[center][@Saarebas][@Tendo][@POOHEAD189][@The Valkyrie][@Sputnik][@Fat Boy Kyle][/center] [indent][indent][i]Checks Calender[/i] Well I certainly done fucked up didn't I? Yeah I got some explaining to do don't I? Firstly, I'd like to apologize because as the GM, I should have made a better effort to keep you all informed, that's my fuck up. Cause if I expect you folks to keep us all informed, I should at least do the same when things come up in my own life. Really I don't have that much of an excuse but I'll at least try my best to explain what happened! To make a series of unfortunate events short: I got sick, the doggo got sick, and then the weekend happened and that was [i]stupidly[/i] busy. So I haven't really had a time to sit down at my laptop really since my last post. I should be able to get the next post up as soon as possible though! Hopefully. [i]Probably.[/i] [sub][i]Eventually[/i][/sub] [/indent][/indent]