[@LuckyBlackCat][@Zarkun] [center][color=a187be]Luna D. Dharc[/color][/center] The battle against the trainer with the Excadril was tough, ultimately to the point where the trainer seemed get bored of his three opponents and ran off. Everyone was beat after the fight, Luna couldn't even think straight at the time so everything seemed to pass over her. The one thing she did know, is that her partners needed attention, and she wasn't too hyper herself. Upon arriving at the Pokemon Center with the others, Luna handed her two pokemon so that they could get fixed up. After saying goodnight to Cici and Tommy she made her way to her room, never in her life would she think that she was gonna get caught up in something like this, tremors happening because of legendary pokemon, people who seem to want to make the legendaries go berserk, it just sounded crazy to her. However, it was her job as a breeder, to ensure that all pokemon were treated kindly, so she wasn't about to let people like that do what they please. She held her head high before falling onto her bed, tomorrow, she was gonna give it her all. [hider=Luna]TP: +1 (9) Pokemon: Deino(Eclipse) Level 6, Male Flabebe(Rose) Level 8, Female Inventory: N/A Organization: N/A Rank: Beginner CP: +1 (16)[/hider]