I'm still here all. Just waiting for an update post wise. Just sorry I don't chat here often. I'm also deciding to...well...I've been thinking about alot of plot devices for now Maria. one of which is facing her past decision while with the Helldivers in some shape or form. I did metion through Maria when she spoke to Elora through her minds eye that she did "dirty work" when with the Helldivers sometimes. One plot was that at some point in the past, security breaches allowed "doomsayers" to highjack frameworks and simply cause tons of collateral damage to dealing with "CULLING" frameworks. Just saying that now that her mind is stable, those decisions may start to affect her. Hell, she may even joke to Ariin about perhaps sharing a prison cell with him someday because of her past actions so...yeah weird as it sounds, chance relationship there. Even more so she she and Jake helped him recover from the Paladin/Ariin mind switch.