[@Silver Carrot] So we were in a position where Aighrit had his legs wrapped around Rags waist. [center][img]https://www.watchbjj.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/drill-passing-butterfly-guard-wi1-1024x576.jpg[/img][/center] She then gripped his arm and tried to bite him. What he attempted to do was release the guard (his locked legs) under the distraction of hitting her with an elbow thrown from the same arm that she was gripping and pulling her mouth down upon, in something that looks kind of like this. [center][img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bm4GFdqAi1c/hqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLCN3ou3uDlyOIQDyK0Lof9jr-HY1g[/img][/center] Assuming that at the same time there was an elbow being thrown. All that happened here was Aighrit trying not to get bit and distract from what his legs were doing by using his arms, a common arena roleplay technique (usually people are paying attention to where the pain is coming from or the flashy thing going on, even if the real threat is somewhere else. Same principle as a street magician saying, "look over here," while she does some fancy trick with flash paper in her left hand while her right hand is actually the one pick pocketing your watch or whatever.) At that point Aighrit is moving his right leg around Rags torso/belly because he wants to get off his back. This is the dangerous part for him, as if Rags notices in time she can attempt to move over his now defenseless torso and get her knees around his waist or, if she's real quick, his shoulders. The caveat for him is that she possibly just got elbowed in the face and won't have perfect reaction time. If he gets his leg around to the opposite side it would look something like this; [center][img]http://www.grapplearts.com/images/Article-Images/Guard_Positions/butterfly-gi-UH-belt-grip.jpg[/img][/center] And at this point Aighrit is reaching around with his hand and half sitting, half sliding to try and get around Rags back to wind up seated behind her, with his arms locked under her's and his blade at her throat. [center][img]http://ytimg.googleusercontent.com/vi/aVpIEQNT0ug/mqdefault.jpg[/img][/center] Obviously without drawing them I couldn't get the pictures to be totally correct, but hopefully they're a little bit of visual clarification.