[center][h3]Alberich[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5I29fHN.jpg[/img][/center] He finally came to stop in the middle of a small clearing surrounded by all those trees. This place would suit him well to use as a last defense. Alberich didn't know how many of them would follow him or how quickly it would take them to get here. But he knew that at least two of them were the types to not stop and give chase after a target. This wasn't good however. He would have preferably had bargained with them or using them in some way. As things had proceeded now however, having been unable to seal Tenshi away in an amethyst prison because of the meddling of that other girl.The girl with the flaming sword had resorted to using smaller projectile attacks. They had been able to tear at his body, but they were not fatal. Not to him. These kind of things would prove worthless against his family technique for certain. The other girl with the larger sword had however been able to create those massive blasts of energy. These however did worry him. If such would come towards him he would have to break his concentration and get out of the way. But if he would then he would certainly be lunged at by the other two. Alberich knew he had to somehow entangle her if possible to stop her from doing just that. The third girl, the one he had refered to as a chibi. He knew she was able to maintain midair flight and carried some weapon with her. Other than that he had nothing on her. Melee attacks were also worthless against his family technique, the saints of Athena had tried to push their way through to try get to Alberich when he was using his power but without success, ending up being knocked down towards the ground, grappled or forced to dodge incoming wooden stakes. Without further ado, Alberich raised his sword before him closing his eyes for a moment, the very air around him, the earth, the trees. Everything began to emit ghostly sounds and change in colors before he stretched out his sword just when the first of the girls arrived on the scene. It was the girl with the hammer-like weapon. Two orbs shot out from Alberich outwards, but they didn't aim for the girl but the trees around him. [b]"Don't take Alberich lightly! Behold my family technique! Nature Unity!"[/b] Suddenly the trees all around began to change in color completely turning into a hue of pink. And moving. The trees were moving on their own. Their roots reaching out of the ground below in the middle of the clearing, the larger branches of the trees reaching outwards stretching. And horrible white eyes would become visible from the surrounding trees as the area itself seemed to have gotten darker. The earth began to rumble and split, chasms would form up and make the ground quite unsteady. That's when the other two girls arrived on the scene, abit after the first one had shown up. The girl whom he had tried to engage first. Tenshi was the first to attack. She flung bullet-like projectiles towards him.Alberich had no intention of being hit by them. A large number of enourmous roots came out of the ground before him and blocked the incoming projectiles. Even though some of the roots were being destroyed in the process as the bullets tore through them, more sprung out of the ground to bolster his defenses, he wouldn't let himself be interupted. Not yet. If only he could keep the girl with the large energy blast from using her power, they surely wouldn't be able to reach him. [b] "Spirits of nature! Have your fun with them! I'll offer you them as a sacrifice!"[/b] An enourmous root lept out of the ground itself trying to grab hold of Tohka's entire form to keep her stuck, while four large branches the size of lamp-posts, stretched across the clearing tried to slam into Vita. Then lastly there would come wooden stakes from all around the clearing, with the size of a forearm, all of them would fly towards Tenshi in bursts. Alberich himself was not doing any attack himself. He stood there with his eyes opened, his sword raised high up into the air whilst his family technique did the work for him. He was concentrating and making sure it would do short work of them. Or at least provide him with an opening he needed to land his amethyst sealed attack. If he could seal one of them into it. Then he could turn the tide by using their feelings and compassion. For once he felt abit of confidence. Even if they were three. No... there was a fourth aswell who stood further away in midair. The idea of yet another being near unsettled him. But he couldn't lose focus now or he would lose for certain and who knows what these girls would do to him. [center][h3]Emilio[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WeGM1BQ.png[/img][/center] He had followed the red clad girl for quite some bit, without his spectral wings activated, watching her fly over an area with trees and then she darted off as if chasing someone or something. Emilio looked closer and saw two others darting off behind her. [i]Heh. Are those really Psychiccers? Not human.[/i] He pondered and then quickly darted after them at full speed. Following the trio to what seemed to be a clearing of some kind with a fourth person standing in it, wielding a crystal-like sword in his hand and donning some odd looking armor. [i]Haah. That is a strange get-up.[/i] He looked them over from abit of a safe distance. The young man they were fighting was clearly trying to take them all on. The trees they were moving, their branches and roots were stretching out, they were grabbing and attempting to slam the three girls. And some wooden projectiles were hurled all over the place towards one in particular. The man in question just stood there with his arm raised up holding unto that sword of his. He did look quite silly doing that Emilio thought. It was clear to him now that these people were neither psychiccers nor humans. What was going on? Oddly enough he felt like he wanted to join in on the chaos, but watching them he could learn abit more of what they were actually capable of. That's when he noticed a small moth coming flying past him. Instinctively he slashed with his hand in its direction, letting the moth split in two. [b]"You poor thing... I've released you from your suffering... heh...heh"[/b] He would say. Watching the split remains of the moth fall downwards through the air towards the scenery that unfolded just a little bit away from where he floated midair.