Eira scowled. First day of school and she had to go to a fucking arena. Goddamnit. With her hood up, Imagine Dragons blaring in her earphones, her hands stuck into her hoodie's pocket, Eira made her way to the arena. SHe already knew where everything was, having taken the previous weak to walk around and get used to the layout. Her only apprehension at this point was that her teacher was Jade. Fuckin power control. Eira hated having to reign her power in. In fact, she wasn't even doing it now. Instead, she was letting it do as it wished. Which meant that pitch black flames that soaked up light and heat like fuckin blackholes circled around her, moving in time with Radioactive. Eira walked into the giant as fuck stadium mouthing some of the words. Noticing the insanely tall student, Kaze she believed, Eira stood next to him. Her 5'6" frame making her appear as a small child next to him. This pissed her off more, and the area immediately around her got significantly colder and darker. Looking up at the lumbering oaf, her piercing eyes drilled into him. One word, icy and dark, escaped her lips. "Move." [@Kazemitsu]