[@Drakey]Hm, this is actually a good chance to discuss how ether is used to fuel magic. I know that in order to cast magic, inquisitors need further quantities of ether to supplement their own (except for the aegis, which must use an inquisitor's own ether to work). I pictured this as like, inquisitors having a sort of holy catalyst, like some device or totem that is unique to them, and this device is what allows them to channel their own mythical energies into to allow the use of spells. The device itself runs on ether however, and so it needs to be refilled and thus can't be used indefinitely. This would require inquisitors to carry around spare ether vials with them (or maybe they can be something else and not vials-- cartridges? charges? I'm not sure what to call them!) Anyone have any ideas concerning this? As for ether transfusions, I don't know why this wouldn't work. It'd pretty much be like a blood transfusion right? Maybe the ether has to be compatible, like there could be different ether types (beyond Omestrian/Not Omestrian)? This also wouldn't be seen as heretical, but just as an ordinary medical procedure.