Dorumon spoke up. "That will be extremely difficult. Rather it's for two reasons, one Tactimon is not dumb. It's in his name, Tacti as in tactics. He is a tyrant and he has many years of experience of dealing with conspiracies, after all he didn't keep his position as tyrant for no reason. Though the second reason is that don't you think they would have an intelligence network? Rather they got a pretty good one. They'll find us out if we try and even if we do, we'll never fool Tactimon and that's the key to your plan fooling Tactimon if we just fool the Big Death-Stars or the Three Gods, that will accomplish absolutely nothing. Again the army isn't as unified as you'd think, heck some of the BDS and the Three Gods openly hate each other, however they'll never act upon it. Why? Because they are terrified of what Tactimon will do to them. So, unless we fool him that plan is going nowhere and in conspiracies both Tactimon and another member of the BDS got you all beat in experience in that department. So, the chances of you pulling it off is about 1%." Robert responded to that in his usual manner with snark. "Wow you can do math?" Doru responded with a silent 'shut up'. Though Robert kept going with another question. "So, who is this other member of the BDS?" Dorumon frowned as well as a purple dinosaur could. "Gravimon, he is probably the only member in the army that can match Tactimon in intelligence."