[@Drakey] I am indeed, but I'm at work and have to keep switching from computer to kindle and back -- and it's hard to type on the kindle. ^.^;; I've got the start of it, which I suppose I could post. Picture's still at home on the desktop, though. [hider=Mother Ziotea] Name: Ziotea Elpis Phaidros (zee-OH-tee-ah EL-pis FAY-dros) Age: 19 Height/Weight: (You have got to be kidding me. I'll work on this...*sigh*) 4'9? (I have an irl person I am going to ask for numbers, since she's the size I want Ziotea to be ^.^;; ) Race: Omestri-Lanostran halfbreed. Appearance: With bright red hair, eyes closer to gold than to brown, and a very distinctive etheric signature, there's mistaking Ziotea for anything but Omestri, and a strong one. She keeps her bright hair short, never past shoulder length, and often ties it back somehow. She has a round face and heavy brows often draw together in a frown. Her skin tans easily where it is frequently exposed to the sun, namely her face and arms. The rest is fair though marked with various scars she's picked up over the years. Of particular note are the marks of whippings on her back, a set of ragged parallel lines from deep slashes gouged across one hip, and the puckered dent where she had a chunk ripped out of the opposite shoulder at one point. She's a tiny little thing, very short and deceptively thin, but she is muscle and sinew without an ounce of extra fat. This makes her rather bony, and combined with her narrow hips and a general lack of bust she could be mistaken for a boy with a particularly pretty face from a distance. She's learned how to pick clothing that flatters what little figure she has in order to compensate, but even that can only do so much. The armor she wears is heavier than that of many Inquisitors, and she favors sturdy gauntlets with vambraces, greaves that protect the front of her knees, and a full brigadine and tassets in addition to her breastplate. She carries a round curved and spiked shield with a diameter about the same as the length of her arm and a winged spear, as well as a small quiver of darts. Personality: A description of your character's personality-- their strengths, flaws, religious views, ect. Background: Ziotea was born to Adrestia, a Lanostran priestess with a gift for preserving life as well as taking it, captured in an early raid on the nation before the war officially began and forced to serve as a Varyan slave. Her father was a pureblooded Omestrian, one of the many ether slaves the woman was forced to look after. With the help of the members of the Lady's Anger, Adrestia feigned a stillbirth and had the girl smuggled out. Unfortunately there are so many ways for a revolutionary to die, and those that had care of Ziotea met with one such, leaving her with only vague memories of kind people that looked after her before her days on the street, as well as a lasting disgust with the ways of the world. ,Fortunately for her, they'd kept her hair dyed black, and by the time it had grown enough to be an issue she'd added a coating of grime and learned to keep her hood up at all times. The life of a young child on the street is a hard one, but the urchins have a rough camaraderie and even a tiny girl like Ziotea could learn enough to scrabble out a meagre living. Things changed dramatically when she dove headlong into a nook she thought would be secure, a determined guard on her tail. Instead of safety she found another child, who made enough noise when she slammed into him that they both had to flee. By way of apology she split the loaf of bread she'd stolen with him once they escape. It wasn't long before Ziotea and Rodion were inseparable, and towards the end of their time on the streets they pulled off a number of dramatic thefts. The boy might not have been particularly skilled, but he was fast and did well with machinery -- and it was far easier to get away if there was a huge ruckus in the opposite direction. Ziotea's ether had an affinity for heat and explosions, and she was able to pull off some truly spectacular distractions. They couldn't escape capture indefinitely, of course. [/hider] I figure Rodion was grabbed first, and that he insisted she be allowed to come with -- otherwise she'd have ended up an ether slave?