Nakreyya set up her small camp with practiced efficiency. The tent doors facing away from the wind, the small table set up so she could do some work if she wished, the traps all laid out in the surrounding area to catch food for their journey. She helped build a fire, and then spent some time tending to Anzu. Considering all they had discussed - of destines and fates - she was more than a bit happy to get back to the normalcy of survival, the sheer mundanity of it. They were the three that had remained. Grug, Nak, and Fionn... as she removed the saddle from Anzu's back, she pondered they three. She wondered if they weren't making a mistake. They were all combatants, though others had exhibited far more fight than the three of them. She, herself, fought only as a last resort - she had always preferred the mysteries, and the puzzles to solve over the feeling of sinking a blade into another. Though she was not opposed to the latter, by any stretch of the imagination. Grug was of an advanced age. She thought she might be older, still - but he had lived enough to show wisdom behind his eyes. However, there was no speed in his muscles anymore. That said, she knew enough of Orcs to know not to underestimate him. She had fought her share in her day - old or not, he would likely surprise them if there was an issue. Fionn... he was still interesting to her. He knew of mechanika, which she appreciated. She had believed she would never find another to speak with of such matters. Of all of the places she had seen, they had been very divided. Either mechanical to a degree that her magic was a hindrance, or so full of magic that there was no Mechanika. Machines were her first love - all she had left that excited her. To find another to talk with about them... that was... heartwarming. But he also had magic in his heart. He reminded her of her people - he would have been at home in Iescus, down to the fact that his eyes almost looked like those of her people. She wondered if he reminded her of all she had left behind, of all that she missed. Anzu nudged Nak's shoulder bringing her back to the present. She looked into his eyes, and ran her hand over his broad nose, and up into his fire hair, "It is alright, my friend, I was simply lost in thought. It is unusual for us to have companions with which to travel, my mind is on those matters." She glanced back to the camp one last time, pet Anzu again, and set about with the items she had taken from the ruins, looking to see what she could glean of their inner workings. ************************************************************************** Nakreyya was awake early, gathering the traps (and any food caught within) and reinvigorating the fire for breakfast to cook. She settled a creature that looked like something of wild foul over the fire, having collected its eggs as well for cooking. She had food ready for the group in short order, complete with vegetables she had found. She greeted both Fionn and Grug as they emerged, inclining her head in her way, and raising a hand to her heart. She would always greet them with the same morning phrase. Even if they did not know the words, the meaning was always clear enough - a good morning. "[i]'Quel amrun[/i]." "Today is the day we begin the real journey, is it not?" Grug asked, looking somewhat displeased to have the morning sun in his eyes. "An odd question, Grug. If you are asking if you have overslept - you have not. If you are not, then I wonder at your meaning. Are not all journeys 'real' ones? Do you have some deeper inquiry to our quest?" Nakreyya asked, glancing over at him with her one eye. She had grown more comfortable around the two, and was not wearing her eyepatch this morning. Her glass eye glowed with stored magical energy, casting a dull reflective light over the scarring around her eye and over her cheek. She gave both Fionn and Grug a plate of breakfast and settled into a chair next to her table, close enough to continue with the conversation. She crossed her legs at the ankles, sitting as though she were in an elegant gown, instead of leather armor. She carefully cut her food apart, eating it with practiced grace and manners. [@Silvan Haven] [@Hekazu]