[@TheRedWatcher] Your thoughts are noted. If my GMing style or RP is not your liking then you can leave the RP. I reject the accusation of abuse of power because no one is being forced to stay in this RP. Its not a job where you collect a wage or civil service, there are other RPs and you have the freedom to join or leave them at any point. I've handled people in a way that I see fit, I've not personally attacked anyone and have expressed my right as a GM to run the RP how I choose. Again if the people in the RP don't like that, then they can find another RP. If I'm such a terrible GM then why would you want to be here? I'm starting to suspect there is a bit of virtue signalling here, you've already given me a lengthy bit of feedback and now its continuing. I understand what you are saying and I've acknowledged it, but my mind is made up and I'd rather if the discussion over my decisions would end.