[quote=@HueMan] [@tobiax] I mixed Penny, Ironwood and Mercury and ended up with Genos it seems like lol... Hmm Willow's last name is Greene which I thought could be possible as a plug in for a G. I know its customary to use first letter of first name usually... if it bothers you a lot, I can try again. Surprisingly hard to follow the color naming rule though. PS: You know what? I'm gonna try again. Already have someone using lime green and I've always imagined Willow having orange as color theme. [/quote] Ginto has G as her name, lol. She has two of them, in fact. I was trying to find different kinds of spelling that form Midnight and my variations so far have resulted in failure: MGGT (Maggot), MNGG (possible I guess?). I mean, if you don't mind one of our characters being the team leader of that particular team, we can go for GGXY (Galaxy). NGGT (Night) is good as well since it gives the impression of being Knight-like. Edit: There's always Google Translate to fancy it up a little bit, lol. Edit2: I just noticed your edited CS. Very nice! +1 on the color naming rule. Even teams have to be color-themed.