[quote=@Feyblue] [@TheRedWatcher] Do Warriors have to be Human? Because I was actually considering designing mine partially based on the Chinese fable of the white snake who attained a human form. Her leader unit would be her true form, while all her supporting units are just cast-off manifestations she's "molted." That being said, she'll probably have a playstyle based around lockdowns and ruthless attrition and being the last one left standing. Lots of counterspell type utilities to shut down enemy options, like preventing them from summoning or evolving units, and then sacrificing her own units for mutual destruction plays. Probably, her leader unit would get stronger the fewer cards are on the field, so she lets her own allies be destroyed so they can take her enemies with them - something like that. [/quote] So you have somethings mixed around. World of End cards are the Leader Cards Warriors of End are the guardians who once held the leader cards Warriors of End can be Humanoid if you like. And I can make a lock down deck for you. No big deal. :) World of End Cards will get more info here in a second. I am just workin' on lots of info.