[hider=Caucasia Commonwealth] [img] https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aM2GmqQgUGk/VCSdLvOSVVI/AAAAAAAAJoQ/_XkIbx2Pfx8/s1600/russia%2Bphil.png [/img] Name: Caucasia Commonwealth Map location: Sochi and Krasnodar. History: After Russian troops withdrew from the eastern front most people hoped that this would be an end to the violence. That maybe peace could once again return to their lives. However this was not the case as the violence was now Russian against Russian with the army brutally putting down any opposition. Bolsheviks in the Caucasus region gained some support but it wasn't enough to stop them from being wiped out by the superior and more equipped soldiers of the empire. The government began a very well planned propaganda campaign portraying the Czar as the saviour of Russia. Blame was levelled at the socialists for loosing the war and many blamed them for over things as well. However there were still those who did not buy into the propaganda. Many women in Caucasus region had seen the Czar sacrifice their sons and husbands leaving thousands of mothers and daughters to take care of themselves. Many women had ploughed the fields, worked the factories and all number of jobs while men died on the battlefield. Many of them said that the fate of the nation shouldn't be in the hands of one man. They believed that Russia should be a republic. These women also believed that they should be equal to men as they had done very thing that was considered a mans job when they left for war. However the movement faced a problem as talk like this could get someone locked up or worse. The leaders made the decision to keep the movement underground with a low profile until they had more members and could force the government to listen. The organisation spread mostly by word of mouth with friends bringing each other in. After this step they started handing out fliers with the organisations main beliefs and a message encouraging others to start their own movement/cell. It wasn't long before smaller groups formed all over the Caucasus region. Some even set up pirate radio stations to spread their version of the truth to the masses. Unfortunately they would also face step backs with some of them being caught and arrested with most never to be seen again. As the Czar took more power and civil liberties away from the people the movement grew stronger. With antimonarchists and republicans joining the movement. However the movement also became more radical with some saying that the Czar had gone to far and needed to be removed by force if necessary. Thankfully the rest of the organisation had slightly cooler heads saying they should wait and build up. They would slowly start gathering weapons here and there from people who didn't ask them too many questions. This lead to dealings with organised crime and gun smugglers. Some soldiers even joined seeing that the Czar had gone to far and they would bring in other soldiers with similar views. When Nicholas II's time came many hoped that with his death would bring a less heavy handed ruler to the throne in the form of Alexandre IV. Unfortunately even with the the passing of the previous Czar in 1946 everything stayed pretty much the same with some saying it got worse. People were arrested for no reason with some completely going missing never making it to trial. The movement lost some of their own in all off this but thankfully they never divulged anything. When the ethnic minorities of the Caucasus rebelled the movement had to go extremely silent to avoid detection. It was a brutal put down as the rebels as they were slaughtered. Allegedly alongside some innocents though the government would never it admit it was their fault always blaming the rebels. The movement tried to protect as many of the minorities as they could as most didn't even do anything. However that didn't the Czars soldiers thinking that they were all up to something. Some rebels were also saved by the movement as they began losing many searched for somewhere to hide. That's how the movement found out the minorities had been encouraged and funded to rebel by the communists. The movement switched them to their side arguing that they should not trade a Czar for a Communist dictator. A lot of them joined on and those that didn't were dealt with as they couldn't afford a breech in security. This people's liberal movement in the Caucasus region finally realised that freedom from the Czar would require careful planing and force to seize power. It would take the right circumstances and the right timing for the movement to work. The conditions proved to be right shortly after the Czar was killed and the royalists were in panic. With the top brass of Caucasus region army meeting to organise it was easy for the rebels to use this to their advantage. Using soldiers who were members of the movement they were able to sneak a reasonably sized task force in taking the generals by storm. One or two fought back but they only got off a few shots before being killed. At the same time several other officers were poisoned by there secretaries or in some rare cases their wives. With their leadership either killed or held prisoner the soldiers gave into the demands of the revolutionaries and surrendered. With soldiers loyal to revolution disarming the rest of the army and arming more of the rebellion things were looking up for a change. It took several months but they finally managed to piece together a provisional government. The provisional government was made up of the highest ranking military members and the leaders of all the resistance cells. They were also getting ready to release the last group of army captives. Upon release they always gave the soldiers a rifle for every man 1 out of 20 and enough food to make it to a loyalist stronghold before they starved. However that didn't help them much as many would still be killed or captured in a few days by revolutionaries with some even joining the revolutionaries. Many others no one knows what happened to them. In the last group they also sent them away with the generals who they had been holding hostage. Without an army the generals wouldn't be able to just turn around and attack and they would have to leave to survive. The revolution had been success according to the provisional government but over the next few weeks they would have to deal with the issues and consequences caused by them. For instance the attempted capture of Sevastopol had been a failure leading to the death of the entire organisation in Crimea. Their were also numerous smaller rebellions happening all over Caucasus region leading to further conflict. So they quickly went to work knowing they had to solidify their power quickly so the movement could survive. So they solidified there position in the west of the country ordering there eastern forces to retreat back to there position. It was surprising for some of the resistance as most didn't think other rebellions would occur. With some careful talks other rebellions agreed to join the cause however most could not be reasoned with. Many Russians fled or died during this time of upheaval. It took about 6 months for the provisional government to get even the basics in place. Finally basic services were working, mines were working and so were the factories. The revolution had trained as many people as they could to sign up no matter what gender they were and letting veterans rejoin as well. This was also the point that other Caucasus revolutionaries started attacking from all sides trying to annex them. Thankfully they managed to hold them off with ease in the south due to the mountainous and hilly terrain. However in the north they started taking heavy loses and losing ground. They only managed to slow them down with hastily made trenches which they would make then fall back from once the next was ready. Often they would leave booby traps to slow them down a little more. Plans rushed for a fort line that would be a more permanent defence underway as soon as possible. They planed out were they could build the fort line so it would be ready. It was also around this time that the first draft of the countries constitution was signed with only the most basic of laws kept. It would stay the same until the new government was elected to update the constitution. In 1956 the border was finally secured with all troops retreating to the country's state of the art fort line. It took thousands of workers to build it with a large amount of the country's factories and resources were devoted to it. The provisional government thought asking for help securing their borders would make them look weak and vulnerable to other nations. So they had struggled on with many soldiers dying on the front but people also died building the fortifications as fast as they could. It was a month after finally after securing the border that the provisional government announced its upcoming disbanding and the first election of the new council to replace it. They also announced the name for this new country which was the Caucasia Commonwealth. The new council began its term on January second 1957 and begin its 5 year term. First order of business was a 3 year plan to have the country ready to begin trading with the outside world before the 1960s. They also spent this time approving research and development to improve the country both tactically and economically. The government also set up a new form of currency replacing the work tokens that the provisional government had put in place. Service by requirement was introduced which means anyone under the age of 25 must do at least 2 years of national service unless a case could be put forward that they can contribute more out of the army. So far business CEOs, scientists, doctors and nurses have avoided the draft. With the year now 1960 the country has grown a very strong internal economy. However in the southern region of the country organised crime had set up in the mountains. The natural terrain and the remoteness helped conceal the illegal operations. Some people from small and vulnerable communities even fled across the southern border in hopes of a better life. In fact many Russians from the north would try and sneak through Caucasia Commonwealth. Some would end up staying finding that the life one could lead in the Commonwealth was of a fairly high standard. Some even realised they could achieve things that wouldn't be possible in other parts of the world. The government now seeks to integrate itself into the international community forming some kind of alliance. To achieve this several ambassadors have been sent to neighbouring countries and an ambassador was also dispatched on a new submarine that will sneak out of the Black Sea. This will allow them to reach out to other countries without travelling through their neighbours. Lastly a large scale military operation is being conducted to root out the illegal operations in the southern mountains. [/hider]