Koren sighed as he left the office shortly after the Orro had. Imperials were always a mess, and he was a little worried about what he knew was on the transport. The Rebels had been very tight lipped about what it contained, what he knew was on board… if the rumours were true things were going to change in the sector. Cipher had been quiet for too long, this was no doubt going to change things plus the New Republic was still thinking about rearing its head in the sector. As he moved back to his office a droid came up to him and handed him a datapad before simply walking away. To anyone else it would have been weird though Korens business required him to always be available, he was always receiving and redistributing information. He had played with the idea of getting cybernetics for a while, though anything needed to make a dramatic improvement in his ability to retain and recall information would drastically affect his personality, and that was part of the reason he was so good at his job. There was a reason people let him live when he sold their secrets. It was because he knew everything that went on here. People knew there was a risk associated with making a deal with him, and anyone who didn’t realize that was a fool not worth his time. Something flashed up on the datapad and he sighed. “Call Skidder to my office.” Aurrie buzzed and then turned around, it would be easier to use commlinks here. Though there was the occasionally ambitious attempt at counter-espionage. In the end it would prove pointless, but he found the added security despite the delay of sending a droid to be well worth it. He turned to Besh. “We’ve acquired a new piece of hardware, and all my own couriers are busier. Time is off the essence, go get Elias in his ship, he owes me. Tell him to head for Near Pando, I’ll comm him the specifics on the way, it could potentially get rough so give him extra credits to hire his own security. I’m not in a good enough mood with him to actually supply it, that’ll be a nice hint for him. Then once you’re done with that I need to get in contact with Klaatu Barada, send him a message and request a meet. I’ve got something he could be interested in.” As the two droids buzzed away Koren returned to his office, plain, simple, utilitarian. The fancy rooms were for those he needed to conduct business with someone of a certain class, and were used to a certain level of comfort. When he was working? He didn’t need anything fancy. Sitting behind his desk he began working through files, waiting for Skidder to arrive. Skidder glanced around the spare and mostly empty office with his best I’m-totally-comfortable smile on his face as he entered. The austere level of decoration always made the gun-runner uneasy. After all a man who enjoyed his wealth, or at least enjoyed showing his wealth off, was easy to understand. One who didn’t usually had deeper motivations, which made them dangerous and worth avoiding. Unfortunately, selling dangerous things to dangerous people was Skidder’s main means of living and Koren was likely the most dangerous of them all. Oh, not because of wealth or influence or power though Skidder knew he had them all in plenty, Koren was dangerous because Skidder owed him a debt. The kind of debt that usually meant he’d be sent into even more dangerous situations, and at a discount to boot. Which was exactly why the arms dealer was pretending this was the nicest interaction he’d have all day. “Always a pleasure to serve the Golden Exchange, Your Bossness! May I ask, what task am I honored to do today?” The man was a coward. There was no other way that Koren could possibly explain him, though while he may be cowardly he was brilliant at what he did. Which is the sole reason he had entered this arrangement. He indicated to the seat at the opposite side of the table. “Take a seat Skidder.” Once Skidder was seated Koren spoke again. “What do you know of Umbaran weaponry?” Skidder raised an eyebrow in surprise but otherwise kept his face placid “Umbarans? I know they were a hyperspace-jump ahead of the rest of the galaxy tech-wise, at least. Saw an Umbaran blaster pistol once, the damn thing got more punch out of an ordinary power cell than any blaster I’ve seen since-” Skidder gave Koren a conspiratorial glance and hushed his voice like he was wary of eavesdroppers “-and between you and me Your Omniscientness, I’ve heard darker rumors too. Gas that’ll make a being fight through mortal wounds harder than a rancor and faster than a damn fast son-of-a-sleemo, droids that can infiltrate any place and shock you to death before you can notice they’re there...why d’you ask?” he said, hoping he didn’t know the answer already.