So far everything seemed to be going just fine. Orchid was frankly just enjoying his high of being mounted on a bear acting like some bigshot legendary warrior. That high was quickly gone when that bear turned into a man. Specifically back to Torus. Even a fool like him knew that this scene didn't look good. Orchid wasn't good at lying. But could play a fool quite easily. [color=a2d39c]"Hah hah hah! We fight prisoner! Orchid didn't think old man was warrior, but he bear man! But now bear man back to old man!"[/color] Frankly the barbarian wasn't sure what he was saying either, but hopefully explaining a bit of Torus's powers would be enough for the guard to make the simple connection that he was a mere druid, and not say, heroes attempting to liberate the camp or kill all evil doers. Orchid did try to distract the attention from this gaff. By boasting. [color=a2d39c]"We go forest. Ambush prey! Saw prisoner, he had shiny sword. Orchid want shiny sword."[/color] Orchid took out Brannor's greatsword, admiring it's make and design. [color=a2d39c]"Big party, no problem, prisoner alone. But prisoner tough! Kill many. But no match for Orchid and bear man! Haha, but Prisoner not so strong. No weapon, no problem. Make strong slave."[/color] Orchid rested the blade on his shoulder and sneered at Orchid, looking so cocky that even he started believing that he could take Brannor in a fight. Just to top it all off, Orchid even flexed his orcish muscles at the female guard as if he was trying to impress her with his feat of strength... Somehow. [hider=Rolls] Flexing Muscles Boasting (Intimidation with Strength to prove strength?) = [url=]22[/url] [/hider]