Titan laughed a little bitterly at his drink. [b][color=007236]"That's a complicated question."[/color][/b] He looked at her thoughtfully for a minute. For whatever reason, he felt like he could trust her. [b][color=007236]"As you know, I'm a cyborg. People like me are pretty rare, especially because of...You know, Earth."[/color][/b] He paused and stirred his water with a straw. The ice had begun to melt in the glass, certainly helped along by his increased body temperature. [b][color=007236]"Tiger and Thrush aren't really my siblings, by blood anyway. They're my coworkers. We don't share parents, but we do share a creator."[/color][/b] His expression and body language completely changed, and he worked his hands at the air aimlessly. [b][color=007236]"I don't have a lot of memories of him. The time we spent in his care is very blurry to me. He was eventually killed by our current employer."[/color][/b] The ice was melting much faster now. He took another quick drink of the water before it completely lost its cool. [b][color=007236]"He wasn't a good man. But yeah. Tiger and Thrush are cyborgs, like I am. Unfortunately for us, a lot of nasty sorts of people tend to take a pretty intense interest in us."[/color][/b] He was silent then for a time. The water was now merely lukewarm rather than ice cold. The day he was taken from his family by the Creator tended to replay itself over and over in his memories as though it were a song stuck in his head. Even the name he wore, 'the Creator', was perfectly indicative of the kind of man he had been. He looked up at Tau again finally, and forced a smile. [b][color=007236]"Sorry, Thrush did say I was always too eager to dump my tragic history on random people."[/color][/b]