Lineage for Elias: 11 Grimm children: [color=f7941d]John, Jacob, Mary, Joseph, Catherine, Bonnie, Robert, Laura, Daniel, Jeremiah, Elizabeth[/color] Between John and Elizabeth there is 37 years between their births [color=f7941d]Jacob Grimm[/color] married Theresa Tutwhiler (Great Great Grandparents to Elias) birthed [color=f7941d]Arthur-George, Tessa, Morgan and Derrick Jarod-Blake Grimm[/color] [color=f7941d]Edward Grimm+ [/color][color=fff200]Mary Howard[/color] birthed [color=f7941d]Marek Grimm[/color]+Martha Sangor birthed [color=f7941d]Michael Grimm Jacob Grimm Sara Grim Simon Grimm[/color]+Isobel Stevens birthed [color=f7941d]Julian Sybal[/color]+ [color=fff200]Thomas Howard[/color] [color=f7941d]Elias Grimm[/color] Alexis lineage [color=f7941d]Elizabeth Grimm[/color]+Jackson Teller (Great Great Aunt and Uncle to Elias)(Grandmother to Alexis) birthed first live child at 39yrs old [color=f7941d]Marcus Grimm Teller[/color] (went by mothers' maiden name to preserve heritage) +Elinora White birthed [color=f7941d]Maggie[/color] [color=f7941d]Marissa Teller[/color]+Thadeus Hatcher birthed [color=f7941d]Alexis[/color] [color=f7941d]Jean Teller[/color]+[color=fff200]H.W. Howard[/color] None from first wife birthed [color=fff200]Thomas Howard [/color]+Sybal Grimm I figured this was easier to do than to keep trying to remember what we wrote. The age differences in births would make up the difference in generations.[@December]