[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/msAAfm/oie_HTe7_Lf_NZ6_BTB.png[/img][/center] [center][COLOR=red][sup][b]Konohagakure Shinobi | Prospective Jounin | The Wall[/b][/sup][/COLOR][hr][sup][COLOR=red][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Midday[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Forest of Death[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@Reflection][@Queentze][@yoshua171][/COLOR][/sup][/center] [color=red]"Tch!"[/color] Kaba resented the thought of fleeing but it seemed as if he would not be able to sway Date nor the Tsuchikage. He exhaled, calming himself so that he could think clearly. He [i]would[/i] probably be more useful rescuing injured fellow shinobi rather thank taking on an opponent that clearly outclassed him. That fact was one that would upset him and drive him to become stronger. Next time a Kage would most likely not appear to save him. Kaba stared at Jaakuna, making sure he would not forget the man's face. Kaba scoffed at Sebun's proposal, but would not forget it. Just as he prepared to retreat and leave the rest to the Tsuchikage, Jaakuna launched another assault, a single shuriken that seemingly split into many times more. Kaba refused to panic. This was a simple technique he had seen before, or so he thought. As the shuriken neared him, he began his escape, aiming to jump upon one of the lucky trees that still stood after the attack. Simultaneously, Kaba raised his left hand and erected a simple shield to intercept the shuriken. To the youn shinobi's surprise, this attack wasn't as simple as he initially presumed. Upon impact with his barrier, multiple explosions triggered, causing the shield to shatter akin to glass. Kaba had only put enough into the defense to stop shuriken, he didn't anticipate explosions. This would be a lesson for him in the future. A few more shuriken crossed the flames and smoke that had arisen from the explosion, and shot towards the tree Kaba now stood on. It was too late for Kaba to erect another shield, so he desperately leaped from the perch right as the weapons impacted the tree, which was now unrecognizable. Kaba landed on the water below rather clumsily, but he successfully escaped damage from the surprise technique. Wasting little time, he got back on his feet and a visible barrier formed around his body almost instantaneously. The barrier was of a reddish-orange tint but was still transparent so Kaba could clearly be seen. It was extra insurance for if Jaakuna decided to target him again. Kaba knew he could hardly track the traitor's speed while using that strange cloak, and especially since he would be fleeing he would have no time to keep tabs on him. Kaba just hoped the Tsuchikage would be able to hold Jaakuna in place so that he and Date could lend assistance elsewhere. With the new barrier now erected surrounding him, Kaba again took off to search for survivors in need. [center][color=black]**********[/color][/center] [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/hQExRR/oie_LTScfbi_Sug_Jh.png[/img][/center] [center][COLOR=gray][sup][b]Akatsuki | Criminal, S+ | Black Dragon[/b][/sup][/COLOR][hr][sup][COLOR=gray][b]TIME:[/b] [i]Present Day - Midday[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Near the Hokage Mountain[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] [@Odin][@GlitchyBugger][@Write][/COLOR][/sup][/center] Chis watched on in silence as Yogensha ordered the two others to retreat from the area. He figured she was either incredibly confident in her own abilities, or extremely caring enough to not allow her subordinates to put themselves in further harm's way. Maybe it was neither, he had no idea. One of the girls, the Byakugan user ultimately complied. Actually, she obeyed Yogensha too easily. Chis did not give chase, but he was on alert that the kunoichi might return with assistance for her fearless leader. The other kunoichi, Koma had different plans. She outright refused to leave Yogensha and even moved to aim a loaded arrow directly at the cloaked fiend. However, Chis' main focus remained with his prospective opponent. As Koma completed her plea to Yogensha, Chis would began walking slowly directly towards Yogensha. Both his hands held each other behind his back, and he did not approach in a threatening manner. But make no mistake, if either were to make a move on him he would react accordingly to defend himself. After what seemed to be an eternity, the Black Dragon would stop about 2-3 yards in front of Yogensha, who now faced him. He studied her current condition, realizing that she was actually a very attractive woman. That would in no way effect Chis' next decision though. Chis noticed the small amount of blood that seemed to have escaped her mouth not long ago. [color=gray]"Hm..."[/color] he bellowed. His attention quickly moved back to Koma, but it was only a moment before his eyes turned back to Yogensha. [color=gray]"Kaguya, Yogensha... Indeed, I am aware of who you are. I've heard interesting things about you and wanted to confirm them for myself. I assumed you would be a worthy foe for me today, but it seems as if the situation has taken a bit out of you... Are you ill?"[/color] Chis paused, and quickly resumed his retort, not expecting Yogensha to reveal her affliction to the enemy so easily. His voice was deep, and as imposing as his presence. [color=gray]"Kaguya, Yogensha, it is unfortunate that you are in this current condition. I will let you and your subordinate live though anything that occurs after I exit is not of my concern. But do not mistake this decision as pity. You will certainly see me again...[i]soon[/i]. I will not forget my promise to you, and next time I will not be so kind. I look forward to it. Same applies to you, [i]girl[/i]."[/color] Chis did not know Koma's name, but he would remember her face and voice, even from the small interaction. Quickly thereafter, smoke began to pour from Chis' mask and swiftly enveloped him. In a moment, he was gone from the scene as fast as he appeared.