Appearance: [img=] Real name: Victor Slate Codename: Velocity Age: 28 Personality: A selfish and pessimistic man Victor spends most of his time when he's not in prison drinking in bars or fighting in bars. Originally only motivated by a twisted sense of justice to bring corrupt officials to their knees Victor started out robbing banks however he has now descended into hedonism acting only to fulfill his own urges. Rash and impulsive Victor prefers to rush into his problems head on punching his way through anything that tries to stop him. Victor has anarchist views believing that if people really want something they should do whatever it takes to get it. Contrary to his reputation Victor is no brute however, he is surprisingly resourceful and isn't one to be fooled, those that try to fool him usually end up with limbs missing. Ability/power/s: Manipulation of kinetic energy: Being able to infuse his blows with energy. Being able to absorb the kinetic energy from his enemies attacks and redirect it into his own. Altering the kinetic energy of the particles within objects causing them to explode. Can store energy from received attacks to release it in his own. Weakness: Has no mental defenses, can only defend against attacks he sees coming. Extra: Victor unwilling served in the military in order to earn enough money to pay for his sister's tuition. For extra pay he would often volunteer for practice with experimental weaponry and medicines, while testing a prototype gun that harnessed the energy around it the weapon malfunctioned altering Victor's very molecular structure and imbuing him with his strange powers. Resigning from the military immediately he took to a life of crime to get back at the establishment for making him into a monster. Victor's cell has specialized walls designed to negate any kinetic energy preventing him from becoming any stronger than an ordinary man. Why choose me?: "Look doll let's get right down to brass tacks here. I'm a brawler, I never back down from a good fight. As long as you keep the action and the money rolling your wish is my command. You got some real fancy pants powers but when it comes to a fist fight there ain't no one better to have at your back than me. Now I'll be honest here, if you double-cross me I'll break your neck...But expect the same for anyone else who gets ideas. So how about getting me out of this cell?"