Joker lept back and away from Lexa, several razor sharp cards flew toward the duo as he did so. Jack pushed Lexa away from him and stepped back so that the cards wouldn't hit either of them. As he watched them fly past his face and then disperse into then air he realized, they weren't really there. His eyes grew wide and his heart skipped a beat. He had done exactly what Joker had wanted. Joker appeared before Jack with a devilish grin. "So you saw through my ruse? Too bad you're too late." He reached out and grabbed the front of Jack's shirt before the young man could react he was thrown like a ragdoll across the rooftop into Lexa. "My purpose was not just to hunt you down and kill you Jack, oh no, I have something very important to tell you. [i]Maybe[/i] you'll live long enough for me to tell you?" He laughed casually once more. Jack's body slammed would slam into Lexa's unless she was fast enough to teleport out of the way, or dodge. Jack skidded across the rooftop, receiving a few less than painful scrapes and bruises. Why was Joker toying with him? The crazed man could easily reach through Jack's chest and rip out his heart if he wanted too, so why hadn't he? What was it he needed to tell Jack? Queenie eventually caught up and stood beside Joker. "Hey, why don't you ever wait for me, love?" She pouted next to him with her mallet rested on his shoulder.