Several of the gang members charged Agent at once. She took a deep breath as she let them draw close. Sure they were strong, but she was stronger. A few punches from thugs wouldn't hurt her, but this wasn't her concern. The man, the monster holding the woman was her target. These charging thugs were merely obstacles. The closest one drew within a few feet of Agent, his fist pulled back to deliver a massive punch. Before he knew what was coming, Agent thrusted forward, her elbow slamming into the soft spot under the man's jaw. A punch came from the left. Agent barely had time to duck away before giving an uppercut of her own to the attacking thug. He crumbled to the ground, all of the air expelled from his lungs. That was when an odd gasping sound came from the woman's direction. It was quickly followed by another scream from the woman and two gunshots. "What the heck?" Agent asked, taking her attention away from the fight and to where the other part of the fight was happening. A man holding a pistol stood over the two bodies, looking for his next victims. [i]No good,[/i] was all Agent could think. If his bullets went stray they could easily hit the victim or herself, and now was not the night she wanted to test her resistance to bullets. She noticed the woman crumpled against the wall beside the leader whose trachea seemed to be falling out of a hole in his neck. Agent looked up to the man who did this. She didn't know his name, but she immediately recognized him as the anti-hero who struck fear into Treaft. Suddenly, an arm was laced under her own, while a knife pressed against her neck, putting her in a makeshift choke-knife hold. All of her thoughts were broken and it was back to action. She grabbed the man's knife hand with her free hand, stepped inward, pressing his hip towards hers, and heaved him over her hips, sending him flying to the ground. He landed with a heavy thud. Agent twisted his hand, easily disarming him and tossing the weapon to the side. Agent picked the man up, not being the one to kick someone while they were down, and sent a heavy straight right into the man's face. He was out and she dropped him back to the floor. She scanned the area. About half of the gangsters were dead, the other half subdued and injured. Chills ran down her spine as she looked at all of the pools of blood on the floor. Never in her short career as a vigilante had she ever caused so much blood to be spilled. Agent wasn't exactly sure what to do, except go to the victim and console her. "It's alright now," Agent assured her, though she really wasn't sure how okay everything was. She knew the vigilante who helped was rough, but she couldn't be sure what he would do to the surviving victims. "If you have a cell phone, you can call the police." The woman nodded and shakily dug through her purse for her cell phone. Agent turned around to meet the other vigilante, though she wasn't sure what to say or do. "Uh, thanks, I guess," she muttered, looking to the bodies.