[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370776213196636161/Travis.png[/img][/centre] Travis walked into the local park, the bright green grass was moving slightly in the wind as if it were water. The footpath that led through was very clean aside form the occasional bird dropping but that couldn't be avoided. Eventually Travis found himself a nice park bench to sit back on, he could use some fresh air to clear his head. Plus he might spot some cute joggers if he was luck, [color=springgreen][i]Jesus I'm a virgin...[/i][/color] he thought realising he was honestly thinking about sexy joggers after just joining a cult, was it a cult? It didn't matter what it was it was going to put him in deep. Just what he was getting deep in was unsure at this moment but he was clearly headed for conflict. Something he would have to prepare for. Travis then looked up at the sky watching the clouds drift slowly across the sky.