BATTLENET [hr] 15:20 Solid copy, Commander. Reliance en route to Aldren. 15:22 I have hailed the warships holding position at .314. Designated the DSS Shadow, has answered my hail. Patching through now. [hider=Transmission] [center][img][/img][/center] [i]"This is Eric Dubai, head of security for Twin Suns Incorporated. I have reason to believe that IMPSEC and Imperial Logistics are operating illegally, and attempting a hostile corporate take over of the Alpha Centauri System under the pretense of counter terrorism. I demand an Imperial representative answer to these charges. I am prepared to defend my employer's holdings by force, if necessary."[/i] 15:25 These are baseless accusations. We're on the same side, Dubai. I am patching you through to a private channel. I will address your concerns in private. [/hider]