[hider=Sam Smith] [b][i]Name:[/i][/b] Sammie (Sam) Smith [b][i]Age[/i][/b]: 16 [i][b]Gender[/b][/i]: Male [i][b]Sexuality[/b][/i]: Heterosexual [i][b]Relationship[/b][/i]: Single [i][b]Alignment[/b][/i]: Neutral Good [i][b]Abilities[/b][/i]: [i]Telepathy[/i]- Sam is able to communicate with others through forms of writing. [i]Reality Warping/Animation[/i]- He is also able to make creations out of nothing from also writing it down [i][b]Weaknesses[/b][/i]: -Although Sam has great writing abilities, he isn't good with pressure and that minimizes his imagination to create things. -He is't able to help or hurt himself in any way and can only make outside forces -He lacks physical strength [i][b]Strengths[/b][/i]: -He is able to control anything he makes, without it getting out of hand -He can also communicate with anyone he focuses on through his writing [b][i]Appearance[/i][/b]: Sammie has short, fluffy, light brown hair that is extremely messy and is styled into into thick spikes, along with his bangs. He has pale skin that looks as if it has never seen the light of day and wide, purple eyes. He wears contacts which is why his eyes are purple but he also wears thick framed, black, very large and circular glasses. He likes to think that wearing both contacts and glasses can help him see in the dark. He is very short, only at a whopping 4'8, which makes him very small compared to others, but he is average in body size. For clothing, Sam usually wears a grey beanie and a jean jacket that has way too many pockets for no reason. He also wears a bright yellow scarf that has white, different sized polka dots scattered across it. He also wears a pair of brown cargo shorts and slipper-like shoes with white ankle socks. He carries around a dark green journal and a fancy black pen with him at all times. He carries them in a secret pouch inside of his jean jacket [i][b]Personality[/b][/i]: Sammie is a usually talkative and outgoing person and it can sometimes be said that he is a bit hyperactive. He enjoys being around people, but for mainly one specific reason. As an inspiring journalist, Sam loves to take notes about almost anything he sees or hears, whether that be a rumor or a fact, he'll write it down. Most times, he'll be attracted to a crowd, hoping for a good story he can publish. He sometimes gets paranoid that other journalists or reporters are around, trying to get the scoop out of him, so sometimes Sam will pause mid sentence and look around before continuing. He has excellent creative writing abilities and he enjoys writing short stories of other people and will read aloud his writing very dramatically. He hopes that one day, his writing will be noticed by a professional company or editor and his career will take a great turn. But for now, he waits. [i][b]Weapon(s)[/b][/i]: His journal and his pen can technically be weapons [i][b]Backstory[/b][/i]: After his dad left him at a young age, Sammie began collecting bits and pieces of information from others. He wasn't close to his mom at all and he wasn't able to tell her how he felt about things, so that distanced him from her even more. His mom tried to connect with him sometimes, but Sam would get very quiet and give her one word answers like "yes" or "no". With the information he would gather from others, he would make up stories and act them out with the other kids at his school. Not growing up with his dad made him very lonely and isolated and he often blamed his mistakes on his mom, always bringing up how his dad left because he believed she wasn't good enough. One afternoon, when he was eight, he noticed that there were reporters hanging around a crime scene that had just taken place. Sammie tried to weave his way through the crowd, but one of the reporters stopped him claiming that he was too young. The reporter and Sam ended up talking together and Sam was giving his first journal notebook. Coming straight home, he began his work as a journalist, inspired by the reporter. He started writing his thoughts and feelings out in it. His mom was very confused as to why she heard her son's voice in her head very clearly. They both later discovered as to how Sam could talk to others through writing and also create things out of nowhere. As he got older, his powers grew and so did his mind. He started "studying" people, wanting to jump start his career. He soon began writing paper after paper of these people and he published them. They got many responses, but not good ones. He had exposed many powerful companies, whom of which were not pleased to see this fourteen year old boy snooping around in their business. Although he had exposed them for cheating people and other bad stuff, charges were pressed against him and he was filed as dangerous for his talents, arresting for "hacking" and "exposure". He was very confused, as he thought he was helping the public, not hurting it. [b][i]Other[/i][/b]: He is the type of person you'd meet at a coffee shop [/hider]