[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmVkZTYwNy5SSEpoWjI5dUlGZHZjbXhrSUNoRllYSjBhQ2ssLjAA/designer-block.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][hider=Kujira Map][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/7ef9/f/2014/214/c/b/dragon_ball_map_by_templarian93-d7te5a2.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQ4LmZmZi5VMkZuWVNCUGJtVTZJRUZ1WkhKdmFXUSwuMAAAAAAA/creativeblock-bb.regular.png[/img] [i]This is a summary of the first saga of the game. Players can sandbox and will be able to see this plot gradually unfold as they play.[/i] Mayor Nicholas Budds is the newly elected mayor of Central Capital (refer to the map). As he promised during his election, Mayor Budds said he would clean up the crime that has been increasing in the city. His solution to the problem was to subjugate the entire city under an army of robots known as “Budd Bots” or “Budds” among the citizens. These Budds are programmed to arrest anybody who their scanners recognize to be a threat. Their scanners aren’t perfect. A citizen holding a knife at a restaurant could be scanned and arrested for wielding a violent weapon. A citizen speeding through the streets in their vehicle could be arrested for not only reckless driving but endangering the lives of citizens. A mother spanking her child could be arrested for child abuse. The citizens of Central Capital go about their day in fear, afraid to even speak for fear of saying something that might be deemed a threat. As citizens start to go missing and become replaced by robots, our heroes grow suspicious of a fouler plot. [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZmZi5UbTkwWVdKc1pTQk1iMk5oZEdsdmJuTSwuMAAAAAAA/twofold-uncomplete-design.regular.png[/img] [i]Writers can create common locations, whether they be movie theaters, restaurants, cafes, bars, fight clubs, etc. Whatever location a writer creates will be listed here for all writers to refer to. These locations will be able to be visited and appreciated by all characters. PM the GM once you create an establishment or place. I won't always see that you've done it.[/i] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZmZi5UbTkwWVdKc1pTQkRhR0Z5WVdOMFpYSnouMAAAAAAA/twofold-uncomplete-design.regular.png[/img] [i]Writers can create NPCs that are either well-known owners or workers of the locations listed above, or a face characters may commonly see around the city. The NPCs of writers will be listed here. PM the GM if you want to add a NPC to this list.[/i] [list][*][b]The Patch Family[/b] - Bolt's family. His father Bean "Daddy" Patch and Cabbage "Mama" Patch. ([i]NPC by GM[/i]) [*][b]Mr. Brian Grizzly[/b] - Bolt's boss. He's a very large bear beastman and is the Project Manager at the Central Capital Construction Company, also known as the Quad C. ([i]NPC by GM[/i]) [*][color=#F4D03F][b]Sun "Sue" Flower[/b][/color] - Taeto's Mother. She is a powerful but largely overlooked Magi. She lives in Central Capital near its high school. ([i]NPC by [@Renny][/i]) [*][color=#17A589][b]Mr. Spine[/b][/color] - The Guidance Counselor at Central Captial High. He is perhaps the closest thing Taeto has to a friend. ([i]NPC by [@Renny][/i]) [*][url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/jjba/images/1/15/OldJosephSC.png/revision/latest?cb=20130411030407][b]Ulysses Walker[/b][/url] - Tiberius' father and world renowned martial artist. People travel from all over to train at his Dojo in Parsley City. He has never revealed his true capabilities to anyone, not even Tiberius. He only ever entered the World Martial Arts tournament once and was victorious. He stands at 6'0" and 200lbs and his demeanour is much like his appearance. He is a very stern, to the point sort of person and doesn't care for childish antics. (NPC by [@Sudkurve]) [*][url=https://image.ibb.co/ijbtY6/dojo.jpg]Dragon Fist Dojo[/url] - Located in Parsley City, the dojo features a World Tournament regulation arena behind it's main building. In addition to being a dojo it is also where Tiberius and Ulysses call home. People are free to turn up as they please between the hours the dojo is open and can partake in a variety of classes from beginner up to master. (NPC by [@Sudkurve])[/list] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZmZi5TVU1nVW5Wc1pYTSwuMAAAAAAA/twofold-uncomplete-design.regular.png[/img] [list][*]Writers are free to explore Dragon World and make what they want of it. Just don't forget to inform the GM of any locations you discover. These are locations that you think other players would use. You can create drama for yourselves, but don't try to destroy the world or do anything that would summon a legion of cops or the army. Leave that sort of drama to the GM as the GM uncovers the plot. [*]Street Gangs, Mafias, Store Owners, NPCs other players may run into, etc. are people worth adding to the "Notable Characters" list. [*][b]Font Color Discipline[/b] Again, do not use neon or somber colors. We want to be able to comfortably read your work, so don't do it. [*][b]No Large Pics[/b] If you want to use pics to jazz-up your posts, large pictures that take up the screen are not permitted. They look very bad and they don't make your posts look better. Shrink them, link them, or hide them. [*][b]No OOC in the IC[/b] No OOC chatter in the IC. We have an OOC for a reason. Keep your fourth-wall dialog out of the IC. Thank you. [*][b]Police Each Other[/b] If you see a player violating these rules, please inform them that they are doing so. If they blow you off, then tell me. I'll deal with it. That's what I'm here for. My purpose is to make sure this game moves and is enjoyable for the players. I get rid of drama queens in a heartbeat. Also be sure to let me know if we have some "Bad Ass vs The World" types of writers. You'll know them when you see them. They are obvious, and I will get rid of them. [*][color=red][b]PVP: Spars[/b][/color] All spars will be posted in the "Arena Thread." You can link the fight in the main thread, but we will not clutter the main/story thread with endless fight posts. The main IC thread is for story purposes. So link to the fight. Any tournaments that go down IC will have a thread in the Arena.[/list] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmZmZi5WR0ZuLjAAAAAAAA,,/twofold-uncomplete-design.regular.png[/img] [i]You can design this however you want as long as we understand this basic information.[/i] [b]Name[/b] Your character's name [b]Race[/b] Your character's race. Example: Human/Cyborg or just Human if there is no sub-race attached. [b]Power Level[/b] Your character's Power Level. When you learn Hide Ki, then you will hide this. When you learn False Power Level, then you can put whatever misleading power level here. [b]Location[/b] Where in the world is your character? Be specific down to the building they are in or if they are on the street of whatever city. [b]Tagging[/b] Who is your character talking to or even thinking about. You use the @Mention here.