Upon seeing the quite long set of ladders, Leon instantly knew they had a problem. Sure, he could probably climb them without too much of an hassle as long as he was careful, but he likely wouldn't be able to carry the bag with provisions along with him. It was ironic in a sense; if they hadn't gone to the kitchen to get foodstuffs, they wouldn't have run into the Godmodder, and per extension Leon wouldn't be bitten by that wolf-thing. And if his arm wasn't messed up, he might have a remote chance of carrying it up the ladder. On the other hand, the sole reason that the bag was so heavy was because of all the provisions in it -- which, of course, they couldn't miss for the most part. Water was crucial for survival, they already used part of one of the medkits and would use another one soon enough. Well, the least he could do is try. Leon walked over to the bag, then attempted to lift it. ...Yeah, that wasn't going to work. Not only was it hard for him to lift with only his left arm, he would need said left arm to climb the ladder. Trying to shift the weight to the right wouldn't work either; even minor stress hurted, let alone lifting a heavy bag along with possibly his body weight. Not to mention the fact that he wasn't planning to fall off the ladder any time soon. For a while, he just stood there, looking back and forth between the bag, the ladder and Rose -- who by now had reached the top already, calling out to him whether or not he needed any help. "...I think we might have a problem," Leon called out to Rose. "I won't be able to drag this thing up with me, but we can't leave it behind either. Do yuo have any ideas?"