Ten minutes ago: The rusty hinges squealed as Corona opened the door to and isolation cell that was plated in steel. In the middle of the floor was a giant purple made with wing-arms that was bound in iron strips. "It's Kaze, right?" he said, unlocking the muzzle and removing it. "My name is Corona. My group is liberating this prison at the moment. I decided to handle the isolation cells. He undid the rest of the locks and, after straining to pull out a pin that was bent slightly from struggling, removed the bindings. "We found some giant weapons and a shield in the evidence lockup. I'm assuming they are yours, as I didn't see anyone else on the prisoner manifest that could properly wield them." Five minutes ago: "Modlen Christenson?" Corona asked after knocking on the door. The cell used a sort of airlock style system, where one door had to be closed before the other could be opened. This prevented her from teleporting further than the airlock from where she was supposed to be. "My name is Corona. My group is here to liberate this prison." He opened the inner door with a whiff of blood escaping. Currently: Corona walked up onto the deck of one of the guard buildings. "Greetings, my fellow Mutants." he said, his voice amplified by a Speaker collar around his neck. "I am Corona. I have come to liberate you from your captivity. Maybe you've heard of me, maybe you haven't, but I'm sure you've heard stories of my parents, Cyclops and Jean Grey." True, they weren't his real parents, he was merely raised by them from the age of eight, years after his father died, but if he told them that his real parents were Cyclop's brother and some random normie, the story wouldn't have near the impact he was hoping for. "They lived in a much better time, one in which most normies at least tolerated mutants. My parents thought they they could learn to accept us, at least as equals, despite our superiority. They were wrong. Instead, the Normies hunted us down and threw us in camps. They made us the enemy, because they require fear. They feed on it to keep their society together. WE DO NOT. We live on hope, and on our own strength, learning to harness our will to feed our abilities. That is why they fear us. Those who wish to live as sheep, with their politicians as shepherds, will always fear the wild animals who live in freedom." "I now offer you a choice. You can either come with us, and help free our mutant brothers and sisters from tyrants who would enslave them for merely existing, or you can leave, and try and make your way in a world run by those that hate and fear you. The choice is yours." With that he flipped a switch on the side of the speaker collar and went to talk to Heka. "The SS will probably be sending their robots to take us out in a few minutes. We need to get everyone and everything we looted back to base, ASAP." With that he left to talk to the former prisoners, especially the ones that were in confinement. They seemed to be the most dangerous of the lot.