Here's the first draft, I'll format and pretty it up if accepted. Tear me apart bitches. [hider=My Hider] [b]Name:[/b] Melody Winters [b]Age:[/b] (7-21 y/o) 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [i]"Let’s turn that frown upside down! Come on, how can you be sad in a world so vibrant and full of life?"[/i] [b]Year:[/b] (How many years have they been studying in B.U.M.) 2nd [b]Rank:[/b] Journey(Wo)Man [b]Room No.:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] To say Melody is happy is like to saying water is wet. When she enters a room, it almost seems to brighten with the kind of energy and pure joy she exudes. Excitable, energetic, and bright as a summer day, she is always doing something and trying her best to not only improve herself but to make the world a better place along the way. The best thing in the world for Melody is getting somebody to share in her excitement and wonder, which is admittedly a big goal most of the time, but she settles for brightening people’s day in whatever ways she can. She tries not to overextend herself with commitments and helping others out, but that has been an issue for her in the past. She can only really focus her attention on one thing for a short time, but with the pace she works and thinks, it’s often more than enough. Though she may seem like a bit of a ditz, her mind is sharp as can be. However, this kind of personality can be… taxing on people who aren’t used to interacting with Melody. She doesn’t really have a way to turn off her personality and is an introvert’s worst nightmare. She speaks loudly and quickly, and jumps from topic to topic like the conversation is a game of Frogger. Trying to hold and maintain a conversation with Melody can be a Herculean task. A consequence of this is that when she’s actually in a class, she can’t really pay attention, and will often fill her notebooks with doodles, tangents, and personal notes rather than substantial material. This is remedied by the time she spends studying, but it can cause her to clash with professors a bit when they think she isn’t giving their class due attention. [b]Magic Discipline:[/b] Negative energy cancelation: Melody’s specific brand of magic helps her help people in the best way possible. She can sense and void negative emotions, like anger, or hatred, or sadness. This ability works in two ways as follows: [b] Area of Positivity: [/b] When this ability is active, an invisible aura extends out from around her, and will cancel out any surface level negativity people may be feeling. [b] Cleansing Touch [/b] With a touch, she can start to eat away at the deeper problems people have, and void away anything that could be hurting them. Positive Energy Enhancement: None of this is to say that Melody doesn’t get anything out of helping people the way she does, when she’s around people filled with positive, good emotions, her personal power grows. The more happy people are, the stronger and faster she becomes. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]A notebook filled with her errant thoughts and ideas, said to contain knowledge unknowable to mankind, surely reading such a thing would result in deafening madness. [/b] [b]Biography:[/b] From the day she was born, Melody wanted, above all other things, to make a difference in the world. After all, what’s the point in existence if you just end up zeroing out on the cosmic scoreboard? Granted, in a world where there are people who rival gods, this isn’t the easiest thing to do, so she settled on making the best of the hand she was dealt, and resolved to do everything she could to reduce net suffering. Magic would be an obvious necessity to this task, and so she endeavored to study and eventually master it. As she researched and learned, she began to see that the power of the void could help her make the world a better place. After all, if her goal was to change the zero-sum game that was life, how else could she do it besides taking things out of the equation? And so she sought to find a way to tame the void, and shape it to her needs. In her studies, she eventually found her way to the tutelage of Juliet Asphoral, a western master of the void, specifically the discipline of voiding emotions. At the age of 13, she approached Mistress Asphoral with her proposition of learning under her, which was brave, putting it nicely. Perhaps it was luck or the mere fact that she was gutsy enough to approach her, but whatever it was, Melody was given a chance to learn, which she eagerly took. Up to this point in her life, Melody wasn’t quite as eccentric as she is in the present, and was much better at focusing, and generally acted much more like a normal person, save for her strong ambitions. But as she delved into the magic of the void, even if she didn’t realize it herself, she was changed by it. She didn’t feel sad or worried anymore, just happy, driven, and what may be contemporarily seen as a perfect picture of mental health. Though she hasn’t realized it, her magic has affected her in ways she can’t yet see, ways that she may not be able to face. [b]Master:[/b] The Transcendent Mistress of the Void, Juliet Asphoral [b]If[/b] Melody [b]was forced to sacrifice something important in order to move forward, it would be:[/b] This is a difficult question, to say the least. She wants to help people, but she isn’t by any means self-sacrificing. If she had to give up something Important to her, and she didn’t have a choice in what was taken away, the most important thing in the world to her is her stability. As eccentric as she may be, she still fundamentally views herself as a stable person, and she needs to continue to see herself as that. [b]If[/b] Melody [b]was offered to have a single wish fulfilled, it would be:[/b] To make everybody as happy as she is! [/hider] Figuring out the hider right now Got it