Lucky is never able to turn off her powers either, actually. She will always regenerate and heal herself, no matter if she wills it or not. The only thing on Lucky that is a blemish or scar that's actually remained on her body is the tattoo on her face (it was inflicted by another supernatural, as sort of a "brand" to claim ownership over her. For some reason, her healing doesn't affect it). Her hair, nails, teeth, eyes, etc. are all things that glow unnaturally, making it impossible for her to live a life of secrecy. Her healing of other people is done by consent, even if they're unconscious. She will probe their minds and communicate with them that way. Any healing done without consent is a battle between Lucky's skills and the subject's own determination to refuse it. Due to this struggle, Lucky believes it is unethical to force her healing as it could possibly make the situation worse or, in the most dire of cases, kill the subject. The idea for Lucky is for her to grow into her powers throughout the RP and to get over her issues in using them. Eventually I would like for her to be able to give herself above normal (in regular human standards) strength, speed, and be able to reinforce her body to something a lot more durable (thinking titanium? but that would be WAY later on with several stages of hardness in between), as well as be able to augment other people in that fashion too (if all of this is accepted by the GMs). Just thought I'd give my two cents in, since mentions of "never being able to turn off their power" are being thrown around. [@Drakey] [@Kaesus]