There we go. Tell me if I did anything terrible. Hah. [@Eklispe] ... Yeeeaaah, training a rock on water's not gonna do it. XD Sorry about that. [@Rune_Alchemist] My apologies that I got lazy with the accessories shop. If you want anything in particular, tell me and we'll negotiate a price. Haha. Anyways, yeah. I wanted to show that in some way or another, so Claire can overhear that, if she wants to. It's mostly posters of relevant people in the contest world. Heh. [@Pikmin Eye] I simply had you arrive. Questions can be asked now. [@Joshua Tamashii] You know what? I'm feeling nice. I won't let you do this with Pokémon, mostly, because finding Pokémon's the purpose of the game, but when you just want to meet a specific person? I'll admit that it was an opportunity you missed. So, here ya go. Heh. [@Pirouette] Nicely posted. Now, I am somewhat proud I remembered that ability. However... XD I had a little fun with Pidgeotto's remarkably terrible roll. Now, then. What'll you do? [@Project] Hi. How are you doing?