[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/360327250866077698/370419802071629824/Diana_Seraph.png[/img][/centre] Diana went her own way back towards her apartment, she honestly had no idea what she was going to do, she'd already read over a large amount of information on how to deal with high tech prosthesis. She was by no means a master in the field but she could assist Hansa if he needed it. She sighed as she leaned on a pole and looked at the sky. She might've gotten a few looks because she was in her Atlesian military attire. She needed new clothes, the less people looking at her the better. She then started searching for clothing stores she didn't want anything fancy, she needed regular looking clothes. Eventually she found a suitable store and entered she started trying on different kinds of clothes but these "Yoga pants" she'd never seen of felt anything like then. They were so comfortable, sure they weren't as common as say jeans but they were just so comfortable and different from anything she'd ever worn before so she got herself a few. One white two blacks and one grey. Now on to shirts she thought, she needed to go to another two stores before she found one she really liked, it was a dark red long sleeve top and it had no window in the front, she was surprised just how much colder that window in the front made things. What was going through the heads of the Atlesian uniform designers? Out of everyone they should have noted that a window would make such a difference on ones temperature. The shirt was simple to be sure, but she needed simple, so she got two dark reds and a salmon colour. She also got a heavier Black jumper shirt. She then looked at her shoes. She liked her heels but also knew she fought better out of them. It was a conundrum. Eventually she settled on some fairly simple looking boots, no heels and a modest vamp nothing to long. She was shopping for at long time which she considered to be even longer then it actually was. After she had finished purchasing her undergarments she took a deep breath. That was that done, now what does she do?... She decided she'd go have a quick drink all that shopping had made her thirsty. She then walked into a bar and got herself some expensive ass wine, this was the stuff she liked to drink. And she'd not drink much, because it was expensive and pretty dam potent. She then sat there slowly sipping away at her wine.