[center][img]https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8430/7789506496_4ffa5dc7a3_b.jpg[/img] [h3][color=aba000]The Corsucant underworld, level 4000[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] The air was filled with the usual sounds of the slums north of the main city on level 4000. Blaster fire could be heard in the near distance as two criminal gangs had a firefight in the streets, in another direction loud club music practically shook the floor near it, intoxicated denizens of the underworld stumbling out the front door. The streets were dark as they always were, in parts darker than others where massive illuminated signs which dotted the area did not shine as bright. The city was alive was activity, many of which was illegal. The authorites did not have as much of a grasp down here as they did on the surface, the local police force was rift with corruption and heavily underfunded. The Empire had some semblance of a footprint here, but things often slipped under their watch. Stormtrooper patrols were commonplace, but not as much in the slums where the Jedi had taken refuge for the past thirteen years. Varlo Andard to all but a very select few around him in the slums was just another face in the crowd. He'd made sure that almost no one knew of his true identity, only a handful of trusted friends. Of course there were always rumors, the underworld was a perfect hiding place for someone that didn't want to be found. Varlo had heard of stormtrooper patrols in the underworld kicking down doors in search of hidden Jedi, but that was most often in the early years of the Empire, right after that damned Order came down and branded his kind traitors. He'd evaded discovery before, but that was years ago. He was younger then and bolder. The hidden Jedi strolled through the street, civilians were around him, though none gave him more than a passing glance. He was clad in a long, dark grey robe, one that didn't out him as a wanted Force user. His hood was lifted on top of his head, shrouding much of his features. When he stepped into the light his face could be better seen, rough light brown stubble covered his jawline, his blue eyes scanning the land around him as he walked. His lightsaber was tucked inside of his robe, hidden from surrounding eyes. He wandered past two conversing denizens. "I heard a group of Stormtroopers ransacked that Twi'lek's tavern, busted the door right off the hinges and searched the place. Arrested some of the customers. No one knows what they were looking for." A tall duros muttered to a nearby human who was smoking a cigar. The alien seemed surprised to be telling the news, and judging by the human's reaction he was too. "You mean they raided Yhorcilo's? Did they shut the place down?" The human asked, right before he coughed hard from the smoke exiting his body. "No, just bursted into the place, jumped a few people, then dragged them out and spoke to Yhorcilo in the back. They even hauled out that big wookie bouncer." The Duros stated with a cautious laugh. "Damn." The human replied as Varlo walked by them, blinking in surprise at the news as he eavesdropped on their conversation. Stormtrooper patrols conducting raids this far into the underworld? There must have been something serious they were investigating, he did not know what but didn't believe it was him they were looking for. He'd keep a low profile for awhile now, but there was always a chance he was wrong and they had something that proved he was here on level 4000. Varlo hoped one of his contacts hadn't revealed this to the Empire, they were terrifying in their ways to get someone to talk. He shook his head, he needed to get back home and try to relax. The Jedi took a turn down an alleyway, stepping over an unconscious man in his way. There were so many in the underworld that practically depended on alcohol to get by. It saddened the Jedi, he wished he could help them out. More sounds of blaster fire echoed in the distance as he walked, there seemed to always be some violence taking place in the undercity. As he emerged from the alleyway into another street, he noticed the unmistakable armored outfits of Imperial stormtroopers. He didn't see how many there were, but he could tell they were there and armed. Luckily for Varlo they were on the other end of the street, separated by a mid sized crowd of people wandering the streets. He was almost home now, he let out a deep breath and continued walking with caution.