[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=FireBrick] Samhain Intrigues [/color][/h1] [img]https://gargarstegosaurus.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/soe-ep-1h.jpg[/img] [hr][hr] [h2][color=FireBrick]-Location: Gates to Under the Mountain-[/color][/h2] The man looked in horror as the woman slowly descended to the stone flagons. The long cord that once was thought to hold her up shifting to be revealed a serpentine tail. Glossy in the dim light, the length seemed more than it's mere 20 feet. Her waist was wrapped about by a bit of cloth that cover her from the joining of her tail to her middle and to her chest. Her eyes were alight with glee as she rose up to stand roughly eight feet tall. [color=Gold]"My, my. How thoughtful, Lord Kitsssune."[/color] Her words were haunted by the creaking echo as the gate slowly creaked open. A ominous sound for mortal or Fae alike. [color=Gold]"Welcome to Under the Mountain, Fae and Mortals."[/color] There was a scream from the man as he scrambled back and bolted towards the exit he knew led out. The naga hissed a chuckle, [color=Gold]"I will hunt him down later. He will not make it out of these tunnels. Is the woman an offering as well, Kitsune?"[/color] She eyed Bodil with a hungry look. It was Desdemona's nature to be greedy. The flagons turned to be well worn, if maintained. Hinting at the traffic that commonly used this route. Though that said traffic, seemed oddly empty. Were they to follow the halled road. The cavern opened into a giant 'room'. Though the size between the City and a room was far different. Towers rose up from in giant stalagmites. Carved statues filled the city in twisting forms. Some were women, others mythical beasts. Each looking like it was about to spring from the stone that held it to life. The light in here was from the water that fell from the ceiling, to pools and streams the glowed from small rocks beneath the water. Lamps of crystal, and glowing moss. Far stronger than what was in the tunnel. Though the city too held the mist that covered the ground slightly that the hall contained. Cast over in a eerie blues, purples, greens and off whites. Houses or manors filled pillars, shops lined the road and shapes moved about on their business. The Fae were of the twisted forms of nightmares and horrors. Others were fair as angels, though the cruelty of their eyes were hardly virtuous. The center of the City however housed the largest of the pillars that held up the cavern roof. To the Fae, a constant gleam of power emulated from this. One that even humans could feel the awe of. The Fae who spied the group granted the Generals with mocking sneers, and the humans with hungry looks. A scream pierced the air as a bloodied human burst into the street. [color=Olive]"Help! Help me! Someone help me!"[/color] The man, a tall blocky human, shrieked and begged of the humans and glamoured Fae. Most sneered and ignored him, others laughed and gestured to 'friends'. The man finally latched onto Melinda's arm. [color=Olive]"Little girl! You need to get out of here! All of you do! You've been tricked! Trapped! Death is the only thing that awaits you!"[/color] A graceful long legged man, in a silky white shirt. Strode up the street, sneering with contempt at the Generals. [color=SlateBlue]"Ah... Aids of Our Gracious King. A pleasure, I'm sure. Please excuse my sl-servant. A little 'game' got out of hand."[/color] The man shoved his way through the humans to grab the man's shoulder, yanking him from the herd. Melissa unfortunately was dragged along as well. The human reluctant to release the small woman. [color=SlateBlue]"I don't suppose you'd toss in the girl for a fine deal, kitsune?"[/color] The male Fae smirked, and looked Melissa over like a wolf with a steak. [/center]