"I'm sure they are fine." Misty smiled trying to make him feel better. A shrill sound coming from the ocean hit her ears and she felt her heart sink. She had to get back home and get back right now! She knew Shane probably wouldn't have picked up on the sound, but she did. She dropped the mango she had in her hand and spun around running towards the woods at full speeds heading towards one of the cave systems that were in the middle of the island. She could jump straight down into the cave and then swim out back into the ocean. She made sure not to run a straight line to the cave or run on the sand so that hopefully Shane couldn't follow her. She dove straight down into the cave system pulling off her swinsuit as she did. As soon as she hit the water she felt her tail form again and the covering for her chest. She swam skillfully through the cave systems and straight towards home finding her father talking to the whole shimmer of mermaids and mermen. She slipped in the back and listened to him talking about the explosion and the mutants that had escaped. There was a fool proof plan to take them out. He also talked about a group of humans that were swimming around as if looking for something or someone. He warned no one approached them and fled as soon as they saw them. Misty couldn't help but think maybe that was Shane's group that he had been separated from. When her father dismissed everyone she turned to go back to Shane and hopefully help him build a shelter or something, try and figure out a way to get him home. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere after the explosion, I was so scared it had killed you." Her father said looking her up and down to make sure she was ok. "I'm fine, I was no where near it when it exploded. Just exploring a little." She shrugged. "I wish you would stay closer to home, Misty, it's dangerous out there." Her father said crossing his arms. "You need to find a mate, settle down." "I've no interest in finding a mate anytime soon. I can't take care of myself." She huffed as she spun around and took off towards her island and the human that was trapped on it. On the way she caught a few fish that she knew humans liked to eat. She slipped on the beach opposite where she had left him and quickly found her stash of clothes. She jogged into the woods and saw the starts of a shelter that she had attempted to build a long time ago. She wasn't sure how it all worked, but she wanted a human home. It didn't keep rain out, or any weather for that matter. But she had made a little cot like thing and cleared the area around it. There was a hole dug in the ground for a fire, and when a ship overturned she had salvaged some waterproof matches and some lighters that hadn't gotten too wet before she put them in a bag. She kept those things stashed away in a little trunk in the cot with other little knicknacks she had picked up here and there. Misty laid the fish out on a stump by the shack and started a fire slipping back into the woods once it was burning. She hoped Shane would find it on his own, she wasn't sure she wanted to face more questions like the one before. But she could easily watch him from the woods. Make sure he was ok. Try and plan a way to get him back with his own kind.