[h2]Little Trouble in Capitol City[/h2][i]Somewhere bordering the Slums and Downtown...[/i][hr][color=ed1c24][i]"DESTROY-KILL THESE RIDICULOUS THINGS ALREADY. DO YOU WANT TO BE TURNED INTO TONIGHT'S SLOP, YOU USELESS MAGGOTS?"[/i][/color] A captain in the demonic forces assaulting Capitol City was shouting over the madness that was Cordial Avenue. Blood, smoke and the thick smell of sulfur filled the air. Through the flashes of action visible in the chaos, any passerbys would probably think they had lost their mind watching the scene before them. A band of warrior demons stood on an island of cars in the middle of the street, fighting an enemy that surrounded them from every direction. None of them were uninjured. And all of them were fighting nothing. Or, at first it seemed like they were fighting nothing. After all, there's no way that the teeming mass in front of them could possibly be real. Their eyes had to be playing tricks on them. There's no way the demons were actually fighting a sea of living, seeing eggs. Eggs that walked, and charged forwards with eyes filled with the hatred of a thousand years. [color=ed1c24][i]"YAARGH-"[/i][/color] A demon's vicious warcry is cut short as he collapses, blood pouring from every hole on his body, bruises manifesting on every inch of exposed skin as his internal organs are eviscerated by fel sorcery. [color=ed1c24][i]"SCREW ALL OF THIS. WHAT THE IS GOING ON IN THIS CITY!"[/i][/color] Screaming in futile anger at the cruelty of god, the demons mount a massive counterattack, cutting their way through as many Bad Eggs as they could reach. But with each egg slain, the pain they felt all over their bodies increased. It was a simple spell. A weak, sympathetic curse inscribed into each egg that shared a minuscule amount of the damage dealt to them with whoever inflicted it. Against the demons, who were far more powerful than them, the effects were hardly noticeable from killing one egg. But killing hundreds... cut by cut, the demons were weakening, being overcome by the tide of minions that seemed to have arisen from the very ground itself. But the eggs, in their incredible weakness, could not last forever. Numerous as they were, their numbers were being culled at an incredible rate, and by the time a fourth of the demons had collapsed, more than eighty percent of the attacking Bad Eggs were dead. It was no great loss. The eggs' master knew a local farmer, and purchased the eggs in bulk whenever she got a chance. The eggs lost in this battle alone could be replenished in one or two nights time, easily. [color=ed1c24][i]"REND AND TEAR! WATCH YOUR FOOTING, BOYS. THE DEATHS OF OUR ENEMIES TURNS THE EARTH TO BLOOD AND YOLK. THEY INTEND TO TRAP US HERE, SO WE CANNOT SLAY THE INNOCENTS THEY PROTECT."[/i][/color] Watching their feet as they advance, the demonic forces wade through the sea of eggy death, blades and claws flashing as they begin cleaning up the last of the surviving minions. It was at this point that they hear a voice from above, and realize the depth of their folly. [i][color=f7941d]"My my, you've sure made a mess of my dear, cute minions..."[/color][/i] A musing, womanly voice rings across the street, drowning out all other sound through its sheer incongruity amidst the chaos of war.[i] [color=ed1c24]"WHAT-"[/color][/i] starts the demon noble, slowly looking upwards to where the voice was originating from. [color=f7941d][i]"I just have one question for you, demons"[/i][/color] - visible now against the blue sky, wreathed in the fumes of war rising up from below, was a figure perched atop a broom. She looks down on the demons, her disgusted expression clearly regarding them as worms crawling in the earth beneath her feet. [color=f7941d][i]"Where do you think you're looking?"[/i][/color] It's only logical that they didn't notice until now. With the innumerable light sources, and the smoke from the many fires, the objects they saw now floating above them left no noticeable shadows. They only could have seen them if they had removed their eyes from the enemies on the ground, a mistake that would have probably cost them their life. Not that it would have made any difference, considering their life was about to be at an end anyways. The effects of the fairy dust generated from Faera Luna runs out, and the two story complex of flats that had been levitated using its power begin to fall, directly towards the demon's heads. They couldn't escape, encircled as they were by the witch's legion of familiars. [color=ed1c24][i]"DAMN YOU, WITCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-"[/i][/color] Their dying curse was cut short as 70 tons of brick and concrete crushed them effortlessly against the sidewalk, destroying half of the remaining Bad Eggs in the process. Dust and debris fills the air, but thankfully the fall had been short enough that the destruction was more or less contained to the roadway. Silence. Battle raged on along Cordial Avenue no longer, leaving a strange emptyness in the air, punctuated only by the distant sounds of further battle in some distant, connecting side street. The civilians stood by in awe and wonder, not exactly sure if they should be celebrating or cowering in fear of this new individual. She circles down on her broom, surveying the carnage. [color=f7941d][i]"So many young eggs... what a waste. Ah well, lets see if we can do some good, I suppose!"[/i][/color] She approaches the civilians, hovering a few feet from the ground. [color=f7941d][i]"Afternoon's greetings, people of Capitol City. As you can see, it seems there's a demon invasion of some sort going on. If you don't want to die, I'd suggest following this avenue westbound until Oak Street and heading into house number four-six-five-five. There's a safehouse there, that you might find refuge in until we can find a way for you to get out of the city."[/i][/color] The shell-shocked civilians just nod quietly and group up, meekly heading in the direction indicated by the strange young witch who had saved them. They were followed from a short distance by a few Bad Eggs, who would ensure their safe passage even if it killed them. That was their fate, after all. Meanwhile, Margaret (for that was who it was) turns back to the devastation of the roadway she had just destroyed. [color=f7941d][i]"Hmm, maybe two stories was a bit much. It's not my fault though, it was hard enough to find a household in this part of the city that wasn't inhabited by one sort of refugees or another." [/i][/color] [color=f7941d][i]"Hm?"[/i][/color] Perking up, Margaret turns over to a Bad Egg staring at her from a nearby rooftop. Flying over, she places her hand on its head, receiving its thoughts as a message. [i][color=f7941d][i]A young girl in red and white? Wielding a strange power? Interesting...[/i][/color][/i] After thanking it for its message, the Great Witch makes her way by air over to where she knew the young egg had been posted. Thanks to the swiftness of air travel in this dense, urban environment, it was no time before she caught up with the subject of her search. She composes herself, before calling out below. [i][color=f7941d]"Why hello there, young maid. Your fair skin is a welcome escape from those silly little things setting fire to the city. What brings you to these troubled parts, if I might ask? Speak your noble purpose, and perhaps I may be of some assistance..."[/color][/i] [color=f7941d][i]NOBLE PURPOSE.[/i][/color] Unable to contain her amusement at the circumstances, Margaret raises her hand to her mouth and begins to cackle madly, staring at the blue sky above as if in challenge. But what was she challenging? Only she could understand the meaning behind her laughter, so to all else present, it would seem like nothing more than madness. [i][color=f7941d]And,[/color][/i] she thinks to herself as she begins to settle down, [i][color=f7941d]perhaps it was madness.[/color][/i] She didn't know for sure. [color=f7941d][i]But that was fine.[/i][/color]