[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Deymins Tower [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] [b]A3[/b], [i]vigorously[/i] [/center][/b][hr][hr] Kyra's sarcasm caused the tiniest fleck of annoyance sprang up in the back of Keystone's mind. Make them vomit, indeed. Hell, maybe it was just the sort of challenge to test the intestinal fortitude of the lowborn Pugilist, making a zombie puke. That's the kind of thing that Bards write epic poetry about. But no, Keystone wasn't going to be distracted right then. He had a job to do, and he'd be damned if another group was going to meet a screaming, bloody end. Not on his watch. Keystone let Kyra's quips wash off of him as quickly as they hit, giving a low growl and steadying his mind to his surroundings. Keystone focused his growing aggression onto the enemy before him. His stance was that of a Shou disciple; he brought it low and charged inward, silvered knuckles leading in the form of a flurry of punishing forefist and verted strikes, inflicting harrowing damage upon the protective steel itself. Its armor bent and buckled, succumbing to the kinetic trauma inflicted upon it by the grim, determined man; if not a Monk in the truest sense, his performance would have earned him their respect and consideration. The creature slammed into the wall behind it and then rebounded, flailing out of control back into Keystone's circle of controlled violence. The broad man dipped low and executed a crippling downward ridgehand strike, bending the thing's helmet into its rotting casaba and laying it out horizontal before it dropped to the ground in a sad, dented heap. Dead, not dead - it didn't matter. The precious time and talents of a proficient blacksmith would be necessary just to peel the remains from the armor. Keystone's previous growl turned into a territorial roar as he stood over the mangled form of the undead thing, a sneer of contempt coloring his face as he searched for the next thing he could destroy.