[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170529/12fe209055e15bed1bd1f1f13066232a.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [center][@FantasyChic][@Afro Samurai][@LadyRunic][@Morose][@Peridot][@BlackPanther][@Nallore][/center][hr][hr][center][h1][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/h1][hr][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/a96d4baf99fb61611f371459a74eb9d5/tumblr_mzgo16jjzF1qdx5sqo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr] Marygold's mood was not getting any better. Anymore of these shenanigans and she would beat Ayita to the punch of smacking someone. She had hoped that by now the team would hopefully have learned not to mess around near equipment like this. She was starting to regret not taking a few of the lesser equipped vehicles. If she sat in this van any longer she will start punching people, which probably is not a good thing to do when she was driving. She took in a deep breath, and spoke to the others. [color=007236]"Be careful, usually you shouldn't push those buttons unless absolutely necessary. Now, since this was kind of a last minute decision, we haven't exactly had time to prepare a plan for this one. However, since we are headed straight for the Brotherhood's headquarters, we need to expect that we are much more likely to run into more than just a few of them, like we did at the power plant last month. We need to be prepared for anything. Now, since we aren't exactly sure where in the hideout the virus that we are trying to prevent is, we are most likely going to need to split up into smaller groups so we can cover more ground. Agent Reed, if it is alright with you, I was thinking of splitting you and Guin up, since you two are vulnerable to the virus, and having you with a few of the other team members around, however it is still ultimately up to you since SHIELD is a completely different group from us".[/color] She looked over at the controls in front of her. At the speed they were travelling at, it would take roughly 30 minutes to get them to the city, if they don't run into traffic. With a few button presses and moving a lever, she could easily halve that time without them being seen. In some ways, the van did have more toys than the bird did, and she decided that since time was of the essence, it would be better for them to get there as quickly as possible. She entered in a button combination, and the van let out a small stutter, and when she pushed a lever forward, there was a sudden lurch and suddenly the van was going a lot faster, causing the images outside the window to blur. With another button, a voice came on that said "Driving Assistance Enabled" which was basically a partial autopilot for the van, it made it so that she could easily talk to everyone else if needed. The van already knew the address, for she punched it in while people were still showing up. At least now if need be she could punch someone without having to worry about crashing.