When things began to look more serious, Lucky's hair began to twirl around her seemingly of it's own will. It wasn't aggressive, but rather a defensive stance. The hair seemed to become more dense in response to her emotions, shielding her from potential threats. [i][color=#53A893] [[ I wish supers didn't have to try to swing their egos around. ]] [/color][/i] Lucky thought to herself, her usual smile gone and replaced with a frown and narrowed eyes. When Lady Jade took control of the situation, Lucky breathed a sigh of relief. Her hair fell limply behind her, aware that the danger was now past. [b][color=#53A893]"Well, wasn't that just thrilling? What a lovely show."[/color][/b] Lucky remarked, her voice laced with sarcasm. She gave Eric, Elaine, and Cole a look. [b][color=#53A893]"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to pop a squat over... there. Away from all of this nonsense."[/color][/b] Lucky pointed to some bleachers outside of the arena. Before she went, however, she turned and leaned in closer to Elaine. [b][color=#53A893]"You see? Lady J' has everything under control. Nothing to worry about, Lain."[/color][/b] She said in a low voice and gave Elaine a smile that was meant to be comforting. With a sloppy two-fingered salute to the others, she stalked off to the bleachers and took a seat near to the middle. She retrieved her phone from a pocket, then used her hair to hold it out in front of her so her hands were free to pull tasty trail mix from the large bag she now held in her lap. She was ready to record the fight and enjoy herself at the same time.