How does this look? [@TheUnknowable] [hider=Toro Warnock] [hider=Portrait and Theme Song] [img][/img] Matter of Time! by TRÏBE [url][/url] [/hider] [color=f7941d]Name:[/color] Toro Warnock [color=f7941d]Alias:[/color] Jolt [color=f7941d]Age:[/color] 17 [color=f7941d]Gender[/color]: Male [color=f7941d]Orientation:[/color] Heterosexual [color=f7941d]Power[/color]: Kinetic Conversion [color=f7941d]Ability 1 — Kinetic Absorption:[/color] Toro can absorb Kinetic energy from the world around him, either in his immediate area up to 20 yards around him or specific things up to 40 yards from him. This energy can remain stored for up to 12 hours. [color=f7941d]Weaknesses:[/color] He has to be able to concentrate on gathering and storing said energy before its use. Whatever it maybe he is drawing from will eventually stop, slow down, or will hit/land without much force. Toro can become tired, fatigued, and exhausted, however, he no longer sleeps but can still be knocked out or rendered unconscious by other means. The absorption also makes his eyes glow orange and if the amount of energy is great enough will make parts of his skin glow orange as well. [color=f7941d]Ability 2 — Energy Discharge:[/color] He can discharge the energy he gathers by electrical means to his surroundings, either by direct touch, a bolt of electricity, or a pulse of energy in the form of an electromagnetic pulse. [color=f7941d]Weaknesses:[/color] Electricity is the only form of energy he can discharge the energy with, other than when he shares the energy. Besides helping the electricity find its target he does not have very much control over it. Aside from the electricity he generates he is not immune to damage from electrical attacks. [color=f7941d]Ability 3 — Energy Sharing[/color]: The energy he collects and stores within him can be shared by touch to other people and sometimes objects, (Batteries, generators, electrical devices, Etc.) the more surface area he shares with the person the faster he can transfer energy to that person or thing. [color=f7941d]Weaknesses:[/color] if he is not paying attention or the person he is giving the energy to takes more than he has to give, he can very easily pass out or become light-headed with headaches. As an unintended result of multiple recharges to the same person in a short amount of time, some of his emotions can transfer over as well but tends to be subtle. [color=f7941d]Personality:[/color] Toro is kind in his own way, he tries to help other when he can regardless of them being human or not. Unless they are trying to kill / harm him or his friends he will normally go out of his way to assist the needs of others. He can be quiet at times and can be rather excited when holding a charge. Anger doesn’t come easy to him, he can get annoyed if someone bothers him while he meditates or if he is working on something. However, harming someone he deems a friend is a good way to piss him off, at which point he will do whatever he can to stop the threat to his friend. He does try to reach out to others even if they are being mean or quiet, and enjoys helping them with their ability’s. He really doesn’t mind that some people only need him for his ability or when it’s convenient for them to be his friend. Even through all this he still tries to build relationships with other people, deep down hoping for somebody to love. [color=f7941d]Physical Description:[/color] Toro is a tall strong young man standing 6’5” and weighing 215 Lbs. He is quite big for his age. His orange hair falls behind his ears and his eyes are also an orange color. He has many markings across his skin that look like tattoos, these markings glow orange when he is storing energy. The more energy that is stored the brighter he is. He does have a few surgical scars across his body from experiments and tends to smell like copper or iron for reasons he does not know. [color=f7941d]Equipment:[/color] He normally wears black rubber gloves with wiring running through it to aid him when he needs to aim the electric discharge. But other than that likes forest camo cargo pants, and zip up sweaters or jackets with hiking boots. [color=f7941d]Biography:[/color] Toro was born in a small town to two normal parents, the town was located in Oregon and is most notable feature was the surrounding wind farms. For the most part Toro had a rather normal child hood, only sometimes would he be called out on his abnormal birthmarks. His parents were kind and caring his father was especially protective of his son even after finding out he was a mutant. Toro was 12 when he had his first major incident, with his father’s help he had found someone to help teach Toro how to use and control his ability’s. However, none of them truly understood what he was draining power from until they went for a tour on one of the hydroelectric dams near his home. When they got to a part of the dam near the turbines alarms began to sound and warnings of turbine failures echoed through the halls. The tour guide told them they had to leave but as the lights flickered they all began to stare at the orange glow in the back. Toro looked at them with a shrug and a worried look, the marks on his skin and his eyes were glowing. Then as alarms sounded in the back ground orange sparks began to jump from him and onto other objects. He could feel it growing inside him, a force that wanted to escape and with one bright flash of blue and orange everything went dark. The electromagnetic pulse he released wiped out all electronic devises in a two-mile radius. Resulting in the accidental deaths of 35 people. He doesn’t know how his father got him out of there or how he explained it to his mother, but when he woke up they were driving in their car and heading south. When he asked what was going on, his father told him they were running from Sentinel Services that wanted to take him away. Toro and his family headed south for the border but were ambushed outside of L.A. during the night. His father and mother fought back firing at the SS men who ultimately killed them. He tried to run as far and as fast as he could but was caught and thrown in confinement as a prisoner. For the next four years he was kept in a small room by himself, his only company being doctors and scientist who conducted experiments on him. They made a lot of progress too, better batteries and power storage systems. Sometimes the warden would authorize the same failed experiments because he felt like it, just one more thing to add to his torment. Silently he promised himself he would do as much damage as he could to the Sentinel Services even if it killed him and in the process try to save as many human and mutant lives as he could. If he ever got out. [/hider]