Listening to what The headmaster was saying Mikale kind of hoped for a partner, he thought about who his partner would be and how there powers could complement his. He daydreamed about being partners with someone with super strength who could launch him like a cannon ball "that would be so cool" he thought to himself. His daydreaming was interrupted by a loud noise, the room suddenly in motion reacting to the sound. He decided to head towards the far back corner of the room, he saw a few chairs stacked next to a window and climbed to the top one. He sat and watched the other students to see their abilities, he sees a kid put up a red bubble of sorts around him and another person. Next to him a pile of the strange substance began to clomp together, seeping in through an opening in the window, it took the form of an old man. "This is scary stuff, you look like him but can you take a punch like he can" Mikale said jumping down from the stack of chairs.