[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0v8qR2T.gif[/img] [color=92278f][i][h3]Kaida Baeumont[/h3][/i][/color] [/center] [hr] Kaida smiled at Yukari and blushed. [color=92278f] Sorry I was a little distracted. [/color] Indeed she was. She glanced back to the stairs, wondering if Jett would really decide to come back down. She wish she could have done more… She glanced at Asuka and Haruka, Perhaps it was one of them? He didn’t seem keen on staying down here. And they were not wearing uniforms. As she thought about visiting with them, she noticed Mina and a tall boy with dark hair made their way to talk to them. He was in her class, that much she knew...she couldn’t remember his name though. She looked over at Ayato ho had said hello to her...she knew he was in her class as well, and he knew her name but she didn’t know his. She only smiled and was thankful that Yukari mentioned his name. She followed them to the table, but didn’t say anything as it seemed Ayato was only interested in the cute girl with the cookies. She did notice the girl’s blank stare...was she blind? Though she did laugh when the little sprites spoke. [color=92278f] Awe they are so cute! [/color] she raised her hand as if to touch them, but hesitated...That could be extremely rude. [color=92278f] Don’t be sorry… I find them adorable.[/color] She pulled out a chair for Yukari. [color=92278f] Here take this seat.[/color] [@Ryonara][@rechonq]