[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GBafRmO.png[/img][/center] [color=red]Health[/color]: 600 [color=slateblue]Mana[/color]: 650 [color=orange]Renn[/color]: 6 [color=cyan] Dubstepp did not realize how long the trip would last. He expected the walking distance between the town and the dungeon ranged from five minutes to ten minutes. The vast world of Talrae slapped him once he stepped out of the town. Every hour that passed as he walked only made him think how insignificant players were compared to the environment. Similar to reality, a person's problems are truly small. Dubstepp joined the server because he figured there waited potential for him to become 'something' bigger. The lush green fields and the numerous monsters along the path reminded him about his situation. The virtual game's capacity was not of a fun mini-game, but of a real world. Keeping particularly quiet, he chose to speak only when spoken to. Waking up in the morning exhausted him and the long trek only tired him more. Dubstepp sighed, he became relieved that the party chose to rest. Laying down on the floor in complete defeat, he stretched out his legs. Dubstepp dubbed the journey unbelievable and unreal; the hours in the day were lost. The sun disappeared to let out the night sky. Looking around, the musician perceived the darkness as unsafe. Monsters might lurk on the outskirts of the camps. The party was nowhere near the safety and comfort of the town. Dubstepp snapped out of his negative processing when Reylan called to him. He cracked a smile and sighed under his breath. Having an efficient cooking skill meant he was going to have to make the entirety of everyone's meals. With a thumbs up, he agreed to cook the piece of pork. Though Dubstepp trained his cooking skill for his personal benefit, he was glad to assist others. Prepping the pork and cooking all the sides evenly, he roasted the meat until he determined it was ready for eating. [color=deepskyblue]"Anybody else?"[/color] He asked before cooking his own pork slab. He forgot all about the boar quest; the experience was mundane compared to what happened after. Looking at the yellow sparks of the fire, Dubstepp began contemplating once again. He observed the players around him and started to get a tickle in his throat. The outcome of this journey disappointed the musician. Dubstepp couldn't tell if the others knew, but some people had chosen not to show up to the rendezvous. Many scenarios played in the musician's mind. Obviously, the group of people that met at the Inn last night was way bigger than the players sitting around the campfire. The missing individuals possibly chose a different group to raid with or they chickened out. Another probable outcome was that players died before meeting with the others. Dubstepp shivered at the thought. Most of the no-shows he did not have the chance to greet them, but he did know of one individual. The fact that Aura didn't show up left Dubstepp uncomfortable. Dubstepp figured he would lose someone eventually to a boss or a tough mission. He acknowledged parties were going to change in time; however, he did not expect it so soon. Although, he did not know Aura very well, she was capable of bringing morale and spirit to the team. Even then, she seemed like a great leader type. Glancing over to Reylan, he wondered how the archer felt about it. No doubt he noticed her disappearance. Dubstepp sat back on the ground and began to gnaw on his pork chop. The lack of plates and forks forced him to miss the comforts of fine dining at the inn. Eating his meal only took a matter of minutes, he then took out his journal and reviewed his previous bars. [color=deepskyblue]"I think I might have ordered the season pass for this game. That's pretty scary."[/color] [/color] [color=deepskyblue][right][sub]Interacting with: Nobody [/sub][/right][/color]