[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/na88QxW.png[/img][/center] Modlen waited in her cell for several minutes after the stranger had opened it for her. She was certain it was trap, some kind of trick by the guards. Granted, they hadn't done anything like this before, but they were above tormenting mutants, as she was all too familiar. After a while, the anxiety and indecisiveness waned just long enough for her to 'port outside of her cell, looking around fearfully. The first thing she saw was the corpse. It was one of the guards, his head turned away from her so she couldn't see his face, but the pool of blood and exposed muscle and bone told her he was definitely dead. A wave of nausea and fresh anxiety washed over her. They were killing people. In a panic, she 'ported away, jumping from the end of one corridor to another in a blur. True, blood could heal her, but she'd never killed anyone for it. She'd never even seen a dead body before. She stopped when she reached the group gathered around the guard tower as the person who opened up her cell addressed them. This wasn't good. He was talking about superiority and not relying on fear, a speech she'd heard a thousand times, and not just from mutants, but from people. Especially the members of her father's church. The words were different, but the message was always the same; We're better, they should fear us instead of us fearing them. The entire thing made her uncomfortable, she almost wished she was back in her cell. She was surrounded by people and it wasn't helping her feel any safer. She needed get out of here. But where? She'd been caught once before, she didn't want to think about what would happen if she was caught again. The speaker had mentioned a base, somewhere where they were retreating to. It wasn't ideal, but it was better than nothing. She needed somewhere to get her bearings, to figure out what to do and where to go next. Modlen looked around uncertainly, looking for direction.