Sarah walked across the grounds, trying to look like she belonged there. Which wasn't easy, considering she'd arrived less than an hour earlier. She had been given half an hour to put her bags in her room and get a feel for the place, and then the girl had returned to give her directions to the arena for her first lesson. [i][color=92278f] [Come on Sarah, get a grip. You don't want to blow the place up on your first day] [/color][/i] Sarah chuckled at the thought, as she approached the building the girl had indicated. Before entering the arena, Sarah entered the bathroom. She ran the tap and let the cool water wash over her hands. Feeling cooler, more composed, she reluctantly turned off the water, dried her hands by running them through her hair and took a deep breath. [i][color=92278f] [ Let's do this] [/color][/i] Sarah entered the arena just as an enormous dragonlike creature dug his wing into the ground and tossed part of the arena towards a tiny looking girl on the other side of the arena. She then looked around for the other students. Some had sat down to enjoy what was obviously going to be a fight, others were still standing around. One girl seemed to feel right at home, camera and trailmix in hand, she seemed ready to enjoy the spectacle. [i][color=92278f] [Wait, was she holding the camera with her hair??? Awesome!] [/color][/i] Sarah wasn't sure what to do. She had been warned that class had already started, but this wasn't exactly what she had pictured. In the end, she decided to go with what the girl with the wicked hair was doing and sat down somewhere behind her. [@Aphelion]