That morning, was rather cheerful for Kili and Fili. As the pair seemed to enjoy the banter, they had with their God-mother. Each of the Dwarfs and Gandalf had a Pony, there was a spare pony for Bilbo...if had decided to come. a Few members, including Kili had been hopeful that the hobbit would change his mind. And he had. Kili just grinned, when he heard Bilbo. "I knew, he'd come with us." he said with a smile. He then noticed the look his God-mother gave him. He looked as innocent as he could. Balin smiled down at Bilbo. "Welcome Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Okeanshield." he said. Thorin was surprised, that the Hobbit had changed his mind...he slightly rose an eyebrow down at the Hobbit...before he glanced over at his Nephew, whom tried to act as innocent as possible. "Maybe...I did...maybe I didn't." Kili retorted smartly. "Besides, me and Fili are loveable...I knew Bilbo would miss us two eventually." he smiled.