[center] [h3][color=00aeef] Alice [/color] [/h3] [@Sickle-cell][/center] [hr] Alice's grin widened unnaturally, almost Cheshire-like, at the offer. [Color=00aeef]"Well, well, well... You know how to treat a woman, my dear W. Consider me [I] very [/I] interested,"[/color] she said as she leaned back. [Color=00aeef]"When can I have her? She would assist in my research and development of my end of the bargain exponentially. So much [I] fun [/I] could be had..."[/color] Her voice drifted off as she daydreamed momentarily, her eyes fluttering shut. [Color=00aeef]"And do I get to keep her?"[/color] she asked, get eyes snapping open and locking into Whetstone's with a fire behind them