[@Raptra][@FalkiThomas][@KatherinWinter] After speaking out his concerns, Isago took notice of the woman that had an interesting ink design on her face. When she asked about the security, which Isago was wondering, his attention went back to Roxy when she explained what roles she needed. Lookouts, thieves, and someone to basically fight the security. Isago could do any of these roles but the fact that there were some there with them that were smaller and seemed more agile while others looked as if they were good with recon, Isago smirked knowing what role he could take up but he felt that he could be more effective with this particular role. Hearing Kai's response to him, Isago agreed with his statement and then with his other question, Isago answered to the others along with Kai. "Well young one, seems whatever we are best at doing, we could choose unless Roxy feels we can fulfill another specific role." he looked at the others. "As for me, I'll handle fighting as security. I'm probably one of if not the largest one here. I'm quite strong and I'm obviously darkskinned and a former slave. I can cause plenty of diversion on my part just from my appearance alone and for my actions. I have the talent of causing ruckus." he pointed out. "Besides, I'm in the mood to strike some opposers down. That is if you don't mind me going on the offensive?" Hearing the next guy speak that he didn't know where he fits in, Isago was going to leave it to Roxy to choose.