What a pity. It seemed the dwarf couldn't help them after all. And actually, his help might have been desirable. Even so, Sett nodded at Alice's instruction not to speak near the entrance of the corridor. Now more than ever, stealth was of the utmost importance - and though he missed precisely what Geradin had just said, he imagined it was probably important to keeping their tracks hidden for the time being. Still, it wasn't all bad. As he moved forward into the tunnel, he could see that it curved round to the right, the feeling of that magic growing rather stronger as he did; and if he looked back, he could see that Argon had come up behind Alice as well, seemingly inquiring about what she was doing. Once one or both of them had his attention, he silently swung his hand toward them to suggest that they hurry up and come along, before turning back to continue walking down that corridor. If Fineki was going to be that insistent about Settionne finding this source of magic, he certainly wasn't going to disappoint him. [@POOHEAD189][@Banana][@The Fated Fallen][@Fetzen]