[center][h2][color=FF4500]Alma[/color][/h2][/center] Alma's [color=FF4500]Gentle Blade[/color] moved fluidly, blocking the projectiles that came flying from the mist towards her and leaving paint residue on the 'blade'. Alma was focused as she got closer to the flag, but when it came into sight her movement suddenly felt restricted by the very air around her. It felt like invisible arms were trying to latch onto her. She frowned and began two actions at once, her [color=FF4500]Gentle Blade[/color] slashing the air around her, while she cast [color=FF4500]A To B[/color] to attach the flag's gravity to herself. It popped out of its holder and began flying towards her while Alma forced her way forward with the help of her blade, pushing forward and reaching out a hand to grab the flag- right in to the portal Judith had opened sending her back to her own starting area. [center][h2][color=tan]Lukas[/color][/h2][/center] Lukas was surprised by the sudden shift in his position, which was only compounded by the fact that he was immediately pounced upon by Henryk. The flurry of blows both magical and physical cause him to raise his wings in defense, taking the brunt of the blows on them as he retreated, finally breaking the striking distance by jumping backwards propelled by a sudden beat of his wings, luckily managing to avoid hitting any trees. He didn't think he could really fight Henryk like this, a brawler like him had the advantage in non-lethal fights, so it was best to... RUN! Lukas leapt into the air and flew above the mist to glance over the field. Unfortunately he didn't have much ability to see given just how mist there was, so he just decided that he would start heading to the enemy flag, at least he guessed the earth dome was encompassing the flag. [b][h2][center][color=48D1CC]Henryk[/color][/center][/h2][/b] Henryk was prepared to activate more magic to increase the pace, but Lukas suddenly retreated and vanished. He still probably would have been able to chase if not for the fact that he suddenly found himself unable to move normally. Even his magic arms felt restricted and a bit of experimentation gave the sensation that the air itself was holding him back, as it moved in response to him. Unlike Alma he didn't have much ability to escape the mist and was forced to stay in it while the effects increased. He could probably break free with [color=47D1cc]Heat Rush[/color] but it would be rather draining and there was no pressure at the moment, so he decided to stay next to Akyna and make sure she didn't get taken out by another member of the enemy team while she was concentrating on something else.